Chapter 5

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I couldn't wait to meet Fluttershy's friends, but at the same time I was kinda nervous. But, who knows? Maybe they won't judge my appearance.

I was so caught on thinking if they'll like me or not, that I didn't notice Discord staring at me. "Are you alright?" "Hm? Oh, yeah I'm good just a little bit nervous, that's all." "Don't worry (Y/N)! Twilight and them are great! Even though they turned into stone...." Discord looked away from me and looked down with an awkward expression(:/). "Turned you to stone? What happened?" "It's a pretty long story, but I'll tell you eventually." Fluttershy looked at Discord with a 'really?' expression. "Long story?" Fluttershy asked. "What? I was sorry, okay? And don't give me that look!" Discord pouted. Fluttershy giggled "I'm just joking Dizzy."

I smiled. "Anyways, are we almost there?" "Yep! In fact-" She walked around a corner and stopped "-We're here!". In front of me was a cute, happy village filled with all different types of ponies. There are also different stores and houses. I felt a little scared now since I was about to meet people (ponies) that might stare and judge me for what I look like.

And I was right. They all stared at me as soon as I walked through the village with Fluttershy and Discord. It was almost quiet, the only noise I could hear were the mumbling coming from the ponies. 'Another Draconaquus?! I thought Discord was the last one!' 'Wow, not to be rude or anything, but that thing is even more ugly than Discord!' 'Mommy? What is that thing? It looks like a retarded cow.'

Fluttershy felt uncomfortable and so did Discord. "Let's go to the bakery! One of my friends are there." she said, unexpectedly "Good idea."

"Sorry about that (Y/N), these ponies just don't know when to stop. Uh, no offense Fluttershy." "None taking." "It's okay. I'm use to it by now." " Same here, but when ever you feel uncomfortable or upset about that kinda stuff. You can come talk to me!" Discord said and winked." Thanks Discord."I gave him a gentle smile while on our way to the bakery.

Wait, I feel something on my face..... no this can't be. A-am I blushing?! What the hay!

Then within a second we were right in front of the bakery. Discord let us go in first.

"Hello? Pinkie? Are you here?" Fluttershy asked. "I'm here! I'll be there in a minute!"
I looked at around and all I could see were cakes, cakes and more cakes. I know I just ate but I couldn't help but look at one of them. They just looked soooooo good!

Suddenly a pink earth pony trotted down stairs and she immediately locked eyes with me and gasped. "Uh, he-"  "I was about to finish my sentence until Pinkie pounced on me like a wild animal (no pun intended) she then hugged me so tight that I was struggling to breathe." OH MY CELESTIA!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THERE'S ANOTHER DRACONAQUUS!!!!!!" she legit looked like she was about to cry from pure joy.

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