Chapter 2

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It was true! There is a cottage! Maybe there's food in there, oh wait someone might be living in there as well. Meh, whatever, I'll just ask that person if I can have something to eat.

I walked towards the cottage and knocked on the door and as soon as I knocked I heard a voice from inside, "Just hold on Discord, I'm coming, I just need to get the cookies out of the oven!"

Discord? What kind of name is that? Hmm, but I have to admit, that name sounds familiar.

A few seconds after, the door opened and there stood a yellow pegasus with long pink hair and greenish blueish eyes. "Hello Discord! I'm so glad you're......... here..." The pegasus stared at me and realized that I'm not the person she thought I was. "Wait! Y-You're not Discord!" She sounded almost scared. "Well for one, I'm definitely not the meaning of chaos and two, I'm sorry for scaring you. It's probably the way I look that scares you isn't it? Don't worry I get that a lot." I said.

"Um, sorry to ask but do you have any food with ya? I haven't eaten since yesterday." "O-Oh, um, yes, I have food. Comes inside." "Thanks.".

I walked in the cottage and looked around. There is a table, a green couch behind it and a another chair on the right. There's also a stair case that leads to another room.

"Please, make yourself at home. Oh and my name is Fluttershy what's yours?" "Y/N. Its nice to meet you!" I said with a smile. Fluttershy was also smiling, she looked really happy, maybe even too happy. "Uh, Fluttershy are you okay? It looks like you're about to explode." "I'm fine I'm just excited for you to meet my friend!" "Is it this so called Discord?" "Yep."

Time skip:

Its been about a half an hour since I've met Fluttershy. She's actually really nice, she told me that her and her friends go on adventures to solve friendship problems and she also said she would introduce me to them later on. I told her about my past and what happened. She had sympathy for me.

Me and Fluttershy had a long discussion until a knock was heard. That must be Discord.

"I'll get it!" Fluttershy then trotted to the door and opened it up.

I could not believe my eyes...

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