Chapter 3

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Discord looked just as surprised as me.

The draconaquus had a lion paw, an eagle claw, a dragons hind leg, a donkeys hind leg (wait, donkey leg and dragon leg. Hmmm, is this Sherk the movie?) , a snake like tail, a purple bat wing, a blue bird wing, one blue antler, one regular antler

"Isn't this exciting!? Theirs another draconaquus on the planet and yet you thought you were the only one." said Fluttershy. "Fluttershy can I speak to you outside in private please?" Discord asked. "Of course."

Discord opened the door for Fluttershy and walked outside before her, shutting the door.

Fluttershy P.O.V

I could tell that Discord had questions as we walked outside

"Okay, first of all where did she even come from?" "Well, as I was getting ready for our tea party like usual, I heard a knock on the door, so I went to open up and there she was, she probably came from the forest." "Alright, but where did she come from?" "Oh, she told me that she used to live in a village up in the mountains, close to where the dragons are, but now the dragons took over their village and now the dragons are living in that area as well." "What's her name?" "Y/N."

Discord looked like he was thinking, I've never seen him this serious before.

"Fluttershy, I know this might sound crazy, well obviously this will sound crazy, because I am the lord of chaos, BUT I know her." " Really?!" " Yes, I used to live up in the mountains as well and she was one of my neighbors."


They were still talking outside. They're probably talking about me.

Kind of think of it, Discord looks and sounds VERY familiar, but I just can't place a finger on it.

Come on Y/N think! Who is Discord? Why is he familiar? Was he your friend back then? Or was he someone who was just there in the background?

"Hmmmmm, oh! He was my neighbor!"

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