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ok so here's a list of things cheese has done to me

1. somehow our conversation got to how my dick is bigger than his nonexistent one and he got mad and he started drawing a *scale* and i was fucking shook i was like "no ur like 2, shut up dickless" and he fucking called me not thicc and i'm not thicc but i got mad
*eye harrassment*

2. ok so we we're working on a science project in class, IN CLASS, and i was ignoring him because he was being a pest, and he took his fucking yardstick and started poking me and then he poked my titty and i dropped my yardstick and it was very loud. and i said "cheese, stop!". and then he poked my stomach again, and then he literally said, AND I QUOTE: "ok fine, titty" AND HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO POKE MY TIT !!!AGAIN!!!
*titty harrassment*

3. so he took his yardstick and he put it by his dick and he said "look *my name*, my dick is 100 centimeters long" and i just laughed and said, "nah fam, it's in the negatives" bc i'm cool like that.
*verbal harrassment *

4. i told him i was ignoring him bc he poked my titty, and he said "but ur flat" and i was vv sad bc it was true, but why was he LooKiNg there in the first place?!?!!!?!1!1?!1!1?
*flatness police, where u at*

5. i told him my dick was 17 feet, and he said "not possible. you can't even see it through your tight pants" and again, why was he LooKiNg there?!1??1?1?1!??!?1??1?1??1?1? so i told him it was retractable :)
*flatness police, yet again*

6. i drew a weird strawberry banana hybrid and passed it to him in class and he wrote "issa pussy" and i was like what the fuck it looks nothing like it. and he said "how would you know, i thought you had a dick" and i said "wHy dOeS tHaT mEaN i DoNt KnOw WhAt A pUsSy LoOkS LiKe?!?!?!?!" and he called me a porn addict and i didn't even mean it like that
*sex education where u at*

well that's it

peace out cub scouts

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