what a weirdo

12 1 0

am i actually insane?
do i need to go to therapy
i just read my chapters and
PhEw BuDDy!
i am a wEiRdO!! amirite?
okay well i wanna go to therapy, but my mom said it'll look bad on a college application, so she doesn't wanna take me. i'm slowly progressing into a cycle of panic attacks that happen in the worst scenarios. when i'm social, at a social gathering, meeting strangers, e.t.c.
like i'll start pinching my hands and tapping my fingers and legs and jerking around and shit
one time i had a full blown attack in the middle of the night
in the middle of a fight
and i rushed to the bathroom and threw up
only 1 of my buddies know, well not anymore
yOu GuYs ArE mY BuDDiEs
but in all seriousness, if i had to diagnose/  guess what types of mental illnesses i have, i would probably guess (from a few symptoms!)
-lots of phobias
i get anxiety in fast cars. sweating, cold mouth, increased heart rate, the works.

oh well

it's a


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