crushy wushy

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hey guys i have big news
iVe GoTTeN rEjEcTeD
ok so i had this crush on this girl, let's call her... e. so e said that she kinda likes me, so i was like ooooo this is my time. so she was posting on her story about being so single and stuff and so i shot my shot. she was like "oh i'm not ready for a relationship, sorry". i was like BiTcH tHe FuCk!!?!!?!!? so now i'm over her bc she was an asshole. but nowwww
i like a boi
and he's vv cute
but he's not a soft boi :C
bUt i tHiNk i cAn mAkE HiM a sOft bOi!!
i dunno, he's very emotionally closed off, but we talk everyday and hE fRiCKiN hArrAssEd me!! that's for next chapter tho. let's call him... cheese :)
cheese is opening up to me though, and that's pretty coolio. gtg talk to y'all l8r
i have to do my homework:(
bye bye my little butterflies 🦋
***IM BISEXUAL!!!***

sk8r hoe rantsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें