stress retch

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does anyone else throw up/ feel nauseous when they feel stressed or nervous? or is it just me? because whenever i'm in a fight or i send a risky text i feel nauseous and sometimes vomit. it's a dilemma. idk if that's a symptom for anything but it's happening more and more often now so that might be a sign for me to just burn my phone and run away to california. hmm. considering it. because all that's left for me here are bad memories, bad grades, and bad nausea. new york will do too ig. idk maybe for a weekend alone or something next year when i'm older. probably shouldn't share deets in case i do it. then they'll find me and oH nO sis we can't have that. also sorry for my emotion spill last chapter, i'll try and toughen up i guess. i dunno, i'm really openly sensitive. idk what this has to do with stress retching but i'll make another chapter about my sensitivity.

bye bye have a wonderful day, night, evening, morning, afternoon, week, month, year, decade, century, life.

sk8r hoe rantsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang