y'all i-

7 0 0

yarent ready for this [you all (y'all) + are not (aren't) = yarent]
guys i ordered a pennyboard
i'm flipping serious it's getting here april 9-11
i've been wanting to learn for a while now
and all the other boards look hard to learn
so i think i'm gonna start off slow
and then work my way upwards
i'm like really scared bc i don't wanna crack my head
and the sidewalk isn't that smooth, and i don't wanna fall
but i have it all planned out
step 1. learn how to ride
step 2. uPgRaDe BaCkPaCk (mine rn is really small and i wanna be able to fit my board in when entering school)
step 3. show off skillz without snapping board in half

i know i said this chapter was gonna be abt my cRuSh, but this was a very important update

very. important.



lov u bicth :D

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