Seven|| Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover [edited]

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The lab included cameras and electronics, measuring devices, scanners, surveillance equipment, a variety of computers including my favourite, the holographic computer and other amazing electronics. I immediately began building myself a custom mansion, creating an A.I. system that'll run tasks in the house and be its security.

I let out a sigh of relief as I slid back in my chair. I waited for my A.I. to finish downloading into the house's mainframe. "Downloaded completed." The robotic female voice made me jump to my feet excited. "James! Yeon-Seo! I did it!", I yell out in the halls. I watch them run into the lab. "Did what, Miss Lee?", confused as to why the room was poorly lit.

"Jarvis." I say and the room lights up followed by a male voice. "Stand by for a retinal and biometric scan. Retinal and biometric scan accepted." It scanned the three of us. James and Yeon-Seo were in awe. "You built an actual A.I?!" James squealed as he swung me around.

"You did good kiddo." Yeon-Seo says, smiling widely. "Jarvis, mind introducing yourself?"

"Hello, I am Jarvis. Ji-Young Lee's augmented reality and defence system. You have access to all Ji-Young's protocols. Would you like to see what I can do?"

"Of course!"

"I have access to the entire Lee global security network, including multiple defence satellites, as well as back doors to all major telecommunication networks."

"Welcome to the family, Jarvis." I smirk.

"A pleasure, Ji-Young." 

I sat in class, reading a message from Yeon-Seo. I have a photoshoot after school with Vogue, fashion and lifestyle magazines. I didn't expect them to reach out to me to collaborate.

My thoughts were pierced by Zack's and Namsoo's irritable squabbles. Namsoo is a short teen with brown hair and square glasses. "What the hell? You're wearing the same kicks again." He says to a shorter boy.

"Oh sorry I forgot." The boy replies in a haste.

He stares at Zack for a few seconds then at me, noticing I was staring. He flushed in embarrassment. 'Oh! ZackLee! Why does it have to be him?! In front of Ji-Young! He's got the higher-quality gear! And she's the richest person in Seoul!' He argues to himself. I continue to stare in curiosity. "I told you not to wear those!" Zack yells.

'I know I am smarter than them so their gear shouldn't outshine mine!' The boy thinks hopefully. "We look like a's annoying." Zacks says to him, making a grin tug my lips. "Sorry..." The boy mutters.


Appearance: 9

Height: 10

Brain: 1

Skill: 9

Athletics: 10

Fighting: 9

Zack stood silently looking at the boy and quickly turned, saying, "Ah whatever! It's not my business anyway." I smile and look at him intently which caught his eye. 'She must be looking after herself.' He smiled once noticing my glowing complexion.

"You guys would make a cute couple." I tease making him choke in surprise and look slightly humiliated. I giggled and went back to scrolling through my phone.

I sense him roll his eyes and walk away, hands in pockets. "Hey, leave him alone." He warns his minions who were picking on Jiho. Their jaws hit the floor.

Namsoo seems very materialistic and obsessed with seeming rich. He judges people based on their wealth. He was too fixed on Jay's rings that covered his fingers, his kicks, bag, watch and bag that were luxury brands.

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