Chapter Seven

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Ryli’s POV

Today was the day of the interview. I had no idea what I was to expect. I still had no idea who was going to be interviewing me which made me even more nervous then I already was. Cassidy was trying her hardest to keep as calm as possible, but when you know you are being interviewed for a chance to meet Niall Horan, you kind of can’t stay calm.

Cassidy walked into my room.

“Ryli, you’re going to do fine. Just be yourself, like I always tell you to do,” she said about as calm as possible. Deep down inside I knew that she was just as nervous as I was. I don’t really know why but I know she wanted me to win this.

“Cassidy, I’m trying to calm down. I’m just freaking out. I would be better if I knew who was interviewing me,” I said trying not to break down into tears.

“Well, here’s my advice. Go to work, and enjoy your day at the daycare with your kiddos. They know how to brighten your day. Then when you get home, take a deep breath in, drink a glass of water and then go to your laptop. Relax as much as possible. Try not to freak out and most importantly, don’t focus on the interview all day or you’ll freak yourself out even more.”

Cassidy was right. I had to do what she suggested because if I have a bad day then my mood will reflect that and who knows, that might hurt my chances of winning the contest.

“You’re right Cas. I’ll try my best. Have a good day at work. I’ll see you at home later.”

I grabbed my bag for the daycare and headed out the door.


My day at the daycare with my kiddos was great! The kiddos were in a great moods and nothing went wrong! Everything went according to the lesson plan which like never happens. I was in a great mood.

I got home and did exactly as Cassidy had suggested. I took a deep breath in and slowly let it out. I then went over to the sink and got a small glass of water. I could feel my nerves start to go away. Either that or I was becoming very confident in myself. Either way, it felt great.

I went into my room and turned on my laptop. As soon as I signed in, I heard a familiar sound. Skype had started up. This was getting really nerve racking. I tried not to focus on it too much because I finally got myself calmed down.

I looked at my scream and I had a video call coming in. I clicked “answer with video” and before I knew it, my interview started.

“Good Afternoon Ms. Adams.”

I tried to not look at my screen because I didn’t know who it was going to be. When the person spoke, the voice sounded so familiar. I could hardly believe who I was going to be interview by. I kept saying in my head, “Don’t fangirl, don’t fangirl” over and over and tried to keep my cool.

“Good Afternoon Mr. Payne,” I said in response.

“Well I kind of figured I wouldn’t need to give an introduction of myself. But I’m quite glad that you responded by calling me Mr. Payne instead of Liam. It was a nice change,” he said with a subtle laugh.

“You called me Ms. Adams instead of Ryli, so I figured it would be polite of me to respond and greet you in the same manner that you greeted me,” I said calmly.

“Well, let’s get down to business. Not a whole lot of time… got a lot to do tonight!”

“Alright, sounds good,” I responded.

“First things first, tell me a little bit about yourself,” Liam said.

“There’s a lot to know about me…” I said kind of pausing at the end.

“It’s alright love, I’m anxious to hear all about it.”

“If you say so. I come from a small town in Pennsylvania. I had an extremely rough childhood that I don’t particularly care to talk about. However, I decided to move on from that life a few years ago. My best friend and I moved to Georgia to follow our dreams. I always wanted to teach in Savannah and she always wanted to work for a company that was based here,” I said trying not to go into a lot of detail about anything major that had happened.

“Oh, well that sounds rather interesting. What exactly do you do?”

“I am a teacher in a daycare. I mainly work with kids who are around 3 or 4. I’m in a daycare setting, so they are around babies all the time. I teach them the basics, like sharing, dramatic play, basic manners, colors, shapes, numbers, the alphabet and basic writing so they are able to write their name for when they start school in a year or two,” I said rather excitedly seeing as how no one ever asks what I do.

“That sounds really fun! I’m sure it’s a fun and rewarding job,” Liam said.

“Next question that I have for you is if there was anywhere in the world that you could go, where would you go and why?”

I thought to myself. This was a rather interesting question that I had never really thought about before. I didn’t really have a specific answer that I could give him. I had to think about this.

“To be totally honest Mr. Payne, I’m not entirely sure. I mean there are a lot of places that I would love to travel to, it’s just I don’t have the time or money to go,” I said.

“It’s alright love, just tell me one place.”

“If I could go anywhere in the whole world, I would want to go to Ireland to look at all the castles and other historic sites. Ever since the movie Leap Year came out, I have always wanted to travel to Ireland, stand on the cliff that they stand on at the end and just stare out at the horizon and know that everything in my life has happened for a reason. I would reminisce about things that have happened in the past. I would look forward to the things that will happen later on in my life. I will finally be at peace with the world and myself,” I said sentimentally.

“Wow, that was probably one of the most heart-felt answers I have ever received for that question.”

I didn’t really know how to react. All I could think about was how I almost told Liam Payne, the Liam Payne, why that is one of my favorite places in the whole world. I almost told him why I would be at peace with the world and myself, but I managed to stop myself.

He asked me two more questions before the interview was over. He told me that I would have an answer on whether or not I would be moving on in a few days. Now it was time for me to focus on what would happen in the next stage or what I would do if I don’t advance. Luckily I will have Cassidy here with me the whole time.

At this point, all I can do is wish myself luck and hope that everything turns out the way that I hope.

Author's Note:

Thank you so much guys for reading this! I still haven't had any feedback on this story and I would really appreciate it! The only way the story is going to get better is by having feedback.

The other thing I wanted to mention is that the next few chapters are going to be what's left of the interviews before the real stuff of the story happens. This is kind of a background on what happened. If you have any questions, comments or concerns please let me know. Leave a comment or send a message.

Also, if you could spread the word about my story that would be great! Also don't forget to follow my page so you know when the story is updated, also I post this information on my twitter page (@bluengreen429)

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