Chapter Four

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Author's Note:

Hey guys! So I really appreciate you taking the time to read when I post a new chapter. I am almost at 100 reads for this story and that is fantastic! I didn't think that this one would see 100 reads for a while. Thank you so much!

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If there is anything you ever want to know about me feel free to ask! I really am a nice person I promise!

I'm going to start to dedications so, if you are the first to leave a comment on this fanfic, doesn't matter what chapter, good or bad feedback, doesn't matter, any kind of feedback really, you will get a dedication for Chapter 5. Who wants a dedication???

Thank you so much again for reading and enjoy the chapter!



What if they bring up any information from my letter? I thought about it all day Sunday. I don’t know what I’m going to do if they start asking me questions about my letter. I’m not sure that I can discuss those personal events to people that I don’t even know. Maybe that’s how they are going to get to know me by asking personal questions such as things I wrote in the letter. This can’t be good, but I have to stop freaking out and calm down. I have to figure out a way that I can discuss these events without getting emotional. It should be easy if Cass helps me prepare. Oh who am I kidding? I’ll never be able to share it with these people!

I went to bed extremely nervous that night. I was up all night thinking about what this “interview” was going to be like. I kept looking at the clock and it seemed like time was ticking away slowly. I had to keep my mind focused on something other than this one moment that could change my life forever, no big deal right? WRONG!

I started thinking about how I would entertain the kids that day at the daycare. It was supposed to be nice, so maybe have an “adventure walk” outside mixed with a scavenger hunt. I can make a list before the kids get there and then as we walk around the block, they have to see if they can find the items on the list. It was a brilliant plan. Not only would my mind be focused on keeping the kids safe and make sure they are enjoying themselves, then I shouldn’t be nervous about the interview.

I had managed to calm myself down enough to catch a few hours of sleep. I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I got up, got my shower, ate breakfast and was out the door. I was not going to focus on anything but my day at daycare. Once I got home, then I could freak out all I wanted.

The day at the daycare went smoothly. All the kids enjoyed the adventure walk and even came up with items that should be on the next list. The kids were so excited that the sun was out and wanted to spend the whole day outside. We ended up having lunch outside, they really had to twist my arm to get that to happen.

As soon as my last kid was picked up, I grabbed my bag and headed home. I reached the front door and was welcomed by Cassidy.

“Cass, what on Earth are you doing?”

“I’m here to help you get ready for this interview that you have in the next hour. Is that a problem?” she asked.

“No, not at all. I wasn’t expecting you to be home yet.”

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