|•|Chapter 2|•|

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Willow fell to her knees clutching her left shoulder. She gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut at the agonizing pain she was feeling.

Blood seeped out of the wound, soaking the sleeve of both her hoodie and the shirt underneath.

Shouts could be heard coming from the woods. Willow looked behind her. She saw beams of light shining through the trees, no doubt coming from the hunters' flashlights as they searched for her.

Fighting through the pain, Willow stood up on unsteady legs, once again making her way for the house.

Every step she took was painful, and it almost felt like a year had come and gone by the time she had finally reached the front of the house.

With adrenaline pumping through her veins keeping her going and numbing her wound somewhat, Willow went up to the front door and frantically banged her right fist on it.

"HELP! SOMEBODY!" She yelled as loud as she could through the thunder and pouring rain. "PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!"

By this point Willow was crying. Tears were streaming down her face, but it was hard to tell with the rain.

She quickly shielded her eyes from the sudden brightness that came from the porch light.

Her eyes adjusted as the door opened, revealing a tall man with wide shoulders.
From what Willow could see, the man had blonde hair and wore a pink apron over a white long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a pair of dark colored pants.

His chocolate colored eyes looked at her with a mixture of surprise, shock, and concern as he took in her completely soaked appearance.

Willow looked up at the man, trying hard not to break down in front of him.

"Please," She began with a sniffle. "Please help me," She finished, a broken sob escaping her lips.

The man gasped.

"Oh my goodness! You poor thing! Please come in, you'll catch your death of cold out there," He says, ushering her inside and quickly closes the door behind her.

It was nice and warm inside, so much better than being outside in the rain. The house was very nicely decorated. Willow could tell that a lot of love and care had been put into it.

Dinner had been made not too long ago, as the smell of it still lingered in the air, making Willow's mouth slightly water at the delicious scent.

Since it was brighter inside, Willow was able to get a better look at the guy who let her in.

He was cute! No, scratch that. He was handsome, like, really handsome!

But upon further inspection of this handsome man, Willow noticed something that made her eyes slightly widen in surprise.

He had ears on top of his head, and a tail that swayed back and forth slightly came from his lower back.

'He's a Hybrid!?' She yelled in her mind.
Not that she had a problem with Hybrids, she didn't. But was he an independent Hybrid? Or an owned one?

"Jimin," The man called out, startling Willow out of her thoughts. "Come here please."

Another man showed up, coming from the doorway on the left.

He was younger than the first, and looked adorable in the oversized black and white striped sweater he was wearing. Especially the sweater kitty paws that it made over his hands.

His hair was dyed a baby pink color, his eyes were also a chocolate color, but a bit lighter. He had plump pink lips, slight chubby cheeks, and wore ripped jeans with the sweater.

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