• Messing around •

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»What'chu thinking?
You think that you could be better off with somebody new.
No, oh oh, baby, no.
You say you're leaving.
But if you wanna leave, there ain't nobody stopping you.
No, oh oh, baby, no.«

Even wasn't easy.
That's something Isak knew since he talked to him for the first time.
But there was that thing called "Kjærlighet ved første blikk", love at first sight.
And Isak loved Even to bits. He was sure, that Even was interested in him as well.
Unfortunately, Even wasn't that easy to get.
So it had become more and more of a challenge to get him.

Wednesday, another chance to get the attention of Isak's "mannen i mitt liv", the man of his life.
He already had gotten Even's phone number. Luckily Jonas, one of his friends, knew Even.
»God morgen, beautiful«, Isak texted him. Good morning beautiful, what an original text message.
While Isak was on his way to school, he was waiting for an reply to his message.
»God morgen, Isak«, that was Even's reply. Nothing more.
Isak sighed. He'd find a way to get his crush, no matter what it might cost.
Of course he wouldn't bribe him with expensive gifts or anything like that.
Maybe a flower bouquet or a dinner date would do it as well.

Even entered the schoolyard, time for Isak to concentrate.
Isak had picked up a dandelion earlier, he was so ready to put that behind one of Even's ears.
The 190 cm tall Norwegian man walked towards Isak. The smaller Norwegian man braced himself.
"Hey Even!", Isak said, all of his excitement was showing.
"Halla", Even said, he usually said that.
Now was the perfect moment, Isak took a deep breath.

He put the dandelion behind Even's left ear, brushing some of Even's hair behind the left ear as well.
"What have I done to deserve this nice gesture?", Even asked, sounding honest and not mocking for once.
"You've blessed me with your existence", Isak answered, smiling at his crush.
Even smiled back. "You'll hear something from me in no time", Isak said while Even walked away.
"Yeah, can't wait for that to happen", Even said, the mocking tone in his voice he usually had when saying something to Isak was back again.

During the classes, Isak constantly texted Even.
From time to time, Even would text back. Isak knew, that that was a method of Even to keep him interested, but he liked it. He liked it, that Even even thought about using that method.
After school was over, Isak walked out of the building.
The two met at a very big tree on the schoolyard.
"Hey, you smug son of a gun", Even said while walking up to Isak.
"Hey Mister 'I will fall for Isak Valtersen' Næsheim", Isak greeted, smirking at his crush.
He honestly didn't know where all this courage, that he suddenly had, came from.
But he was glad, that he had it. It'll make it easier for him to get his man, as he liked to refer to Even.

The both talked for a short while, before they left.
"Do you wanna come back to my house? We can make some delicious kardemomme sandwiches", Isak said, knowing that Even loved kardemomme sandwiches.
"Good idea. I'd die for a kardemomme sandwich", Even said, smiling at Isak.
Back at Isak's house, the both made the sandwiches.

"That's about it. There's nothing more to my room", Isak said, finishing the little tour he had given Even.
Even nodded, he really liked Isak's room.
Isak offered him to sit down on the bed, which Even did.
"And Even, are you in love with somebody currently?", Isak asked, already knowing the answer.
"Not really. Well, I don't know if you know, but there's this first year dude, who can't stop chasing me. He's cute though, don't get me wrong. But I need to see, I don't really know", Even answered, slightly going off track at the end of his sentence.
"Oh okay. Well, there's someone I really like. A third year guy, blonde, beautiful and insanely tall. I don't know if he likes me or not. I have to see. I really like him, so it would be great if he'd like me as well", Isak said, not breaking eye contact with Even.
"Oh okay, well, what did you do for that third year guy so far?", Even asked, slowly getting nervous.

"Well, I've cried for him, I've ran 3 kilometers to his place where he stayed for a short while to tell him that I support him unconditionally and I've lost my patience for him", Isak said, his face started to heat up.
His voice was shaking a bit, when he asked: "And what did you do for that first year guy so far?"
"I've died for him. 'Dying' as in a 'I've had a deep depressive episode and I can't stop thinking about you, you're my treasure'-way, I've drowned for him, because I wanted to kill myself and he didn't notice me for like the first three weeks of me being new to the school. That guy was a god to me. That guy is the light in my life", Even said.

Isak was speechless.
But then he slightly tilted his head, leaned his head forward and kissed Even on his soft cheeks.
Even molt into the kiss, feeling well rested and revived.
Isak felt fresh and warm, too.

"Du er et mannen i mitt liv", Isak whispered against Even's lips. ["You're the man of my life."]
"Jeg elsker deg", Even said and the both kissed each other again.

»And? Did everything work out, Jonas asked via text message.
Isak quickly responded: »I think so. I really want to lay him tonight, but I'm not sure if he's ready too. I'll see and I'll update you tomorrow at school

"Do you want to stay here until tomorrow?", Isak asked Even, who laid on the bed.
"Yes, if that's not bothering you in any way", Even said, smiling softly at Isak.
Isak walked to the bed, sat down on it and laid next to Even.
The both began to kiss each other, slowly more and more wild.
Their kisses turned into a make-out session.
Isak's hand slid under Even's shirt.

An eventful night was awaiting the young couple, but they were looking forward to it.
(Wortcount: 1069 words)

It's 2 am on a Saturday now.
Why tf am I still awake?

Kardemomme Kisses - EvakOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz