• Offensive comments •

859 13 2

»[Even and Isak are sitting on a bench, kissing each other passionately.]
Random jerk: "Get a room! Fags!"
Isak: "Huh? What did he just say? What?! What did you say?"
Random jerk: "It's fucking disgusting!"
Isak: "Fuck! Huh? Do you think you can go around and just do that? Come here! What the fuck? Fucking cuntface! You're fucking ugly, you know that? I can't... He can't say stuff like that! It's not..."
Even: "Look at me."
[Even looks deeply into Isak's eyes to calm him down.]
Isak: "Yes. Yes!"
Even: "It's fine. Okay? We'll take it completely chill. And then we'll go meet our friends. And then we'll go to the park. And then we'll drink beer. Okay? Okay?"
Isak: "Okay."
[Even kisses Isak.]
Even: "Okay?"
[The two hug each other.]«

Even and Isak had been together for almost a year.
And of course they went outside together.
At first, they didn't hold hands. But after a while they held hands and kissed in public.

One time, the two were sitting on a bench in front of an ice cream parlor, enjoying some tasty ice cream on a warm summer day.
Isak placed a kiss on Even's lips, smiling widely at him.
"I love you", Isak said.
Even kissed Isak back. "I love you too, babe", Even said, sliding his hand down on Isak's neck.
Suddenly someone from the other side of the street yelled: "Get a room! Fags!"
Even and Isak broke their kiss, looking at a guy with black hair.
He wore all black clothes and he had a disgusting smile on his face.
"What did you say? Huh?", Isak said, getting up from the bench. "Hold my ice cream, please", Isak said to Even before he gave him his ice cream.
He ran across the road.
Usually Isak didn't run that fast, but he was burning with rage now.

Isak caught the guy, he grabbed his arm and gripped it tightly. "What did you say, you little shit?!", Isak yelled, suffocating the guy by wrapping his arm around the guy's neck.
"I-It's a bit disgusting when two guys make out in public", he said while coughing like crazy.
Isak let go of the guy, punching him in the stomach.
"Do you think you can walk around and say shit like this? Because no, you can't, you dumb, ugly moron!", Isak spat, his eyes were burning with pure anger.
Isak got a bit closer to the guy, whispering angrily: "If you'll ever say something to me and my boyfriend again, I might not be able to contain myself. It'll probably end worse than it ended now."
Then he smiled for two seconds before looking like he was about to murder someone, before he walked back to Even.
Even sat there, completely shocked.
The both watched the guy run away, probably afraid that Even might come over as well.

"Baby, you didn't have to do that. He could've stabbed you or something", Even said, the worry about his boyfriend was still in his eyes.
Isak sighed. "Well yeah, I know. But I can't let him say stuff like that. These people need someone to slap them, so that they realize how much crap they are talking!", Isak said, still furious.
Even sighed and gently cupped Isak's face. "Look at me, look at me", Even said while looking deeply into Isak's green eyes.
"Yeah", Isak said, a bit more calmly than before.

"C'mon, we're going to finish our ice cream on our way home, then we'll going to watch a movie and cuddle together. Does that sound good?", Even said, smiling softly at his boyfriend.
Isak gave in and smiled back at Even. "Sounds good, let's go", he said and Even gave him his ice cream back.
The both walked home, talking and having a good time.

They took it completely chill.
(Wortcount: 633 words)

Oh boy, my blood was boiling while writing this.
I was legitimately triggered.
But hey, I'm done writing this now and I sure am glad about it.
Let's continue with something nice, because I don't want to be triggered no more.

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