• Selfies and 6 feet 2 inches of perfection •

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»God pride mnd peeps 🏳️‍🌈💗💛💙«

"Even?", Isak asked.
"Huh?", Even said, lifting up his head.
"Do you want to be on a selfie with me?", Isak asked, sitting up a bit.
The two were laying on their bed. It was Thursday and they both got home from school a few minutes ago.
Even got a little bit closer to Isak, who was already holding up his iPhone.
Right before Isak took the photo, Even kissed Isak's cheek.
And Isak couldn't help but smile.
"That's a good photo", Even said before turning back to his red Nintendo 3DS XL.
Isak nodded, setting it as his lock screen on his phone.

"Helvete fan!", Even cursed, heavily breathing.
"What happened?", Isak asked, very confused.
He peeped over Even's shoulder. Even was playing "The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time" on his Nintendo 3DS XL.
He was fighting the fight against Ganondorf right before the end, a really difficult opponent.
Isak had played that game before, but he stopped as soon as he discovered the PS4 and all the great games that came with it, such as FIFA and Red Dead Redemption.

When dinner time came around, Isak decided to ask Even what he wanted to eat.
"Baby, what do you want to eat?", Isak shouted, since he sat in the living room.
"Yeah?", Even shouted back, his voice came from the bedroom.
"Were you sleeping? Sorry for waking you up if you were", Isak said, immediately feeling bad for disturbing Even.
"Nei", Even answered, his voice sounded groggy.
Isak decided to leave the living room to see how Even was doing.

As he entered their bedroom, Even laid in their bed, his eyes were open.
"Hei, how are you doing?", Isak asked, smiling softly at Even.
"Bare bra, takk", Even responded, smiling back at Isak. ["Just fine, thanks."]
Isak laid down next to Even, nuzzling his nose against Even's shoulder.
Even started to draw small circles on Isak's chest, while Isak placed a few kisses on Even's shoulder.
"I came to ask you what you want to eat for dinner today", Isak said while he placed a few kisses on Even's neck.
"I don't know, pasta would be fine. But if you don't feel like making it, I could cook something else for us", Even suggested.
"Pasta is totally fine. Some green pesto and a bit of cheese and one can call it a meal", Isak said and Even nodded.
Isak got up, but Even tried to pull him back into the soft and warm blanket.

"No baby, I have to start cooking now or otherwise it'll be too late and I'll lose my motivation to make us food", Isak said and Even pouted. "But I can take you with me instead of me staying here", Isak added excitedly and Even stood up.
Isak didn't really know why, but he was fascinated whenever Even stood up. It was so incredibly fascinating to see a 6'2" tall man stand up.
While Isak was still looking at Even standing up, Even was already done with standing up.
"Mhm, what are you looking at?", Even asked, cupping Isak's face and looking him in his green eyes.
"I was looking at you while you were standing up. I don't really know why, but it's really fascinating to me", Isak answered, slowly getting lost in Even's ocean blue eyes again.
"Maybe it's because I'm such a tall guy", Even said, smiling softly at Isak.
"Yeah, probably. Not everyone is 6 feet tall around here", Isak said, referring to himself.
"But you have the perfect height, honey. I can pick you up so much more easier than you could pick me up", Even said before he picked Isak up and carried him into the kitchen.

The two ended up cooking their dinner together.
Something really fun, that their definitely should do more often.
(Wortcount: 646 words)

It's April 2nd on the day I'm uploading this, so hopefully you all had a good April fools yesterday.
It's also 1 am on the day I'm uploading this, so I should really go to sleep, since I can't sleep in because of school, heh.

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