One; Sealed with a Kiss

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Chapter One- Sealed with a Kiss

The door to his office opened and then closed. Ethan Park glanced up from his paperwork briefly, using his free hand to smooth his hair back.

"Aunt Rei Na," he said quietly in acknowledgement.

"I see you're working hard, as usual." Ethan’s Korean Aunt folded her arms, and looked around the immaculately organised office.

"A world class hotel chain won't manage itself."

Rei Na ignored his sarcastic tone, "I expect you're still coming this evening."

Ethan glanced up again, "What's happening this evening?"

Rei Na sighed, using one manicured hand to massage her now aching temple, "Ethan, you know this dinner is important to me. You better be there."

Ethan put down his paper work, and addressed his Aunt directly, "Aunt Rei Na,  having one dinner with Jessica and her parents is not going to suddenly make me change my mind about this. I don't want to marry her."

"At least come to the dinner. There are added benefits to the company in meeting her parents, apart from your failing marriage prospects."

Ethan sighed, "Fine. But this is the last time. I'm doing this for you Aunt Rei Na."

Rei Na smiled, glad that she got her way.

"I knew you'd come around," she laughed and turned, making her way back to the door, "Be in the Regis suite at 7:30, dear nephew."

Then the door closed and she was gone.

Aunt Reina had raised Ethan and his little brother from infancy, ever since their parents died in a tragic car crash. Being heirs to a multimillion door hotel chain meant they grew up lacking nothing, and their Aunt took great care of them as if they were her own children. As soon as Ethan was of age his aunt encouraged him to take over the CEO role of the company. And around the same time, his little brother was due to get married to their childhood friend Jessica. And that’s where it all went wrong.

Just then Ethan looked at the time and cursed under his breath. If he wanted to make the meeting he’d have to get a move on. But he didn’t want to eat the awful food they usually ate whenever they met for those formal dinners. His Aunt was extremely fussy about her food. Ethan pushed a button on the office phone on his desk, which went through to his personal assistant.

“Travis, get me a car. We’re going to a restaurant.”

 "Yes, sir."

*   *   *

“One medium Latte,” I called to the staff behind me. Then I smiled brightly at the female customer in front of me, “That will be £1.65.”

The brightly dressed lady handed over the money and I gave back the change.

I worked at a restaurant called Pembroke. It had been a long day today. But after I handed over the Latte I glanced at the clock and saw there was only 5 minutes till the end of my shift. Thank goodness!

But it was still pretty busy in here. I felt a brief stab of guilt for leaving everyone here to deal with all the customers, but I was actually really tired. I’d already done overtime today.

Just as I was about to take off my apron a particularly smartly dressed group of businessmen walked in. My team leader, Sarah, scurried over quickly to me and took my hand stopping me from taking off my apron.

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