Just Married

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Just Married


Suddenly a bright flash momentarily blinded me.

“Ethan Park, is that your girlfriend?”

And then they descended on us like a pack of wolves. Ethan cursed under his breath and pulled me close to him, and I let him, suddenly feeling scared as they scrambled to take their pictures. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights.

“Ethan, is it true you’re getting married to Jessica Reed?”

“Are you cheating on Jessica?”

“Is this your wife?”

Dammit, where was his driver already?

It all started to get too much. I thought about running for it and leaving him here when I felt Ethan take my arms firmly. I looked up questioningly and all too suddenly his lips pressed firmly onto mine. The shock made me go limp, as his hand went round behind my head, holding me firmly in place. The flashes off the cameras suddenly went off super fast so I had to squeeze my eyes shut. Ethan’s other hand travelled down to the small of my back, sending sweet tingles all over my body and I finally pushed him away. Or at least I tried to.

He stopped kissing me but kept a firm grip around my waist and faced the cameras.

“Yes, I’m married,” he said loudly and confidently, “This is my wife.”

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