X- Daddy Issues

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Xavier's POV

I woke up to a strange licking on my face. I racked my brain for possible answers and none of them made sense.

"Stop licking Xavier's face!"

The licking had stopped, I opened my eyes to see Kaia and Super standing above me hand in paw.

"Sorry." She grinned.

"I guess she was excited to see you. Oh and Morning." She chuckled.

"It's fine. How'd you sleep?" I patted the couch indicating for her to sit.

"Okay, still wondering if my dad will pop out of nowhere. Which would be crazy because I don't want to talk to him. He doesn't even know me. I don't even know why I call him dad he doesn't deserve that title." Her laugh was hallow.

"One day at a time Kai." I rubbed circles on her back, hopping to bring some comfort.

"Your right." She shot up and stood in front of me.

"Well... I have to start getting ready. You're welcome to take a shower if you want."


"Shit I'm late." A loud thud hit the floor causing Super to bark.

I walked behind the couch to see Kaia laying on the floor.

"Ow!" She rubbed her head and attempted to stand up.

"Okay, okay let's rest for a second. What's you name?" I chuckled.

"Kaia Marie Sanders."

"What's your dogs name?"


"How many fingers do I have?" I held up three.


"No, I have ten fingers I'm holding up three."

"What the hell ever Xavier." She laughed and got up.

"You need a ride? I'm not too sure you'll be okay riding today."

"Yeah... sure." She was still rubbing her head.

I walked over to the counter where she stood. "You curls are frizzy." I licked my hand and passed it over her head.

"Ewie! Carter what the hell is wrong with you?!" I laughed my hardest watching her frantically run to the bathroom.

"Oh my god!" She sprayed a large can of something onto the spot I touched.

"Dry Shampoo." I read the can with fascination.

"Yes. Dry shampoo."

She snatched the can out of my hand and continued spraying. When she was done and satisfied she stomped her little foot on my shoes.

"Don't ever fuck up a black girls hair."

With that she grabbed her bag and keys and slammed her door. Chuckling I walked out the door and knew today would be a terrible day.

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