"I find you in this room, sleeping on this girl's lap and you dare ask me what's wrong?" Tears filled her eyes.

"You left me alone yesterday, Ariven. You left your wife to spend time with this girl and you ask me what's wrong? Do you even care about me?" His heart broke when he saw tears rolling down her cheeks, her eyes puffy and her lips trembling. He hugged her.

"Hey...shh...I'm so sorry. I came to see her and I don't know when I fell asleep. I didn't intend to spend the night in her room of course."

He paused, "I love only you."

He kissed her forehead, "Are you going to work today?"

When she nodded, he said, "I'm staying at home, I have to take care of Koshi. I'll see you later, okay?" His voice was soft but Minela shuddered at the idea of her husband spending more time with that girl.

"Oh. I think I'm going to stay too. I uh... have some things that can be done at home."

"You should go, Minela. I know you want to stay because of Koshi-"

"I'm staying. " She stated. She was not going to let these two spend more time alone.

"Okay." Ariven said quietly. Was is disappointment that she heard in his voice? Did he want her to go? Ariven quickly took his eyes off Minela when he saw Koshi trying to get up, she stumbled and was about to fall when Ariven quickly catched her.

"What are you doing, Koshi!? Careful! "

"I have to go to the toilet-"

"Okay." Ariven quickly lifted her up, bridal style and directed her into the bathroom. Minela glared at the door of the bathroom as if it was responsible for all of her life problems.

"Minela! Koshi will need help bathing, you think you can help her?"

"The nurse can bath her." Minela said, trying to hide the bitterness in her voice. She was sure she failed.

"I can handle myself, Ariven. There is no need for anyone to help me. Besides...I du...w...ni...one to..ss..uhgly...bdy" Koshi said quietly. The last few words barely audible to Minela's ears.

"Don't you dare say that! You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen. You can barely walk and you think you can handle yourself? I'm helping you, no more words."

"You'll help bath her!"

"Yes, Minela is there any problem? " Ariven asked harshly. He didn't like speaking to her that way but Minela had to understand. Koshi needed him. She wouldn't let anyone touch her but him. She was comfortable only with him.

"Minela would not like it-"

"She doesn't mind. Now, do you need help removing your clothes?"

Koshi turned her back so that Ariven could open her zipper. Minela stomped out of there. She had enough.

"She has the right to mind, Ariven. Not many wives would let their husband take care of a stranger the way you're doing."

"You're my friend, Koshi and I'm not doing anything inappropriate. She might not like it but deep in my heart, I know I'm only helping a friend. She has to understand. " Koshi sighed, not knowing what to say.

Before Ariven reached for her zipper, she held his hand, halting him, " You might not like what you see, Ariven. It's really ugly. You'd be disgusted. "

Without saying anything, Ariven opened her zipper, his hands trembling. He let out a gasp when he opened her zipper, stumbling back. Koshi quickly turned so that Ariven couldn't see more of the damage that the sadist had done to her. Pure venom filled his eyes. His abhorrence towards the man who did it was beyond words.

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