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     Aria finds herself awake in the middle of the night. Not because of the storm outside but a thundering knock at the door. She slips out of bed and walks to the front door. Who could be out in such weather at a time like this? She opens the door and comes face to face with a soaking wet Spencer.

     Her wet pajamas stick to her skin frame and the shorter girl can't tell whether the wetness on her face are tears or rain drops.

Aria "Spencer...What are you doing here in the rain? Come in-"

Spencer "No...I just...I need to say this one thing before I leave....and if you don't like it...you can slam the door in my face and we'll never talk about it again...and if you do...then maybe things can go back to the way they used to be."

Aria "Spencer I don't...I don't get it-"

Spencer "I LOVE YOU! I always have and I always will! You are my everything Aria...you and Bella and Ava and me, we were a family! Yeah sure our lives were **** sometimes and things were hard, but we always got through it! We're adults now, no school to hold us back, because I know that's why we got the divorce. We weren't spending enough time together because of school...but it doesn't have to be like that anymore! Please...please just give me another chance to show you I can give you all of me....please."

Aria "Spencer....I'm sorry.."

Spencer "Aria..."

Aria "I'm sorry that we didn't try hard enough. I'm sorry that I regretted our kids and I'm sorry that for one second I made you think that I didn't you for who you are. I'm sorry I moved on so fast after the divorce...and I'm sorry that I ever left you....I love you, I always have."

     Aria tangles her fingers in Spencer's soaked hair as she pulls her into a kiss. She pulls the girl into her house and breaks the kiss.

Aria "I'll talk to Ezra in the morning, for now...go home."

Spencer "Okay, hopefully I'll be taking you home tomorrow."

     Aria smiles.

Aria "Hopefully."

Sparia Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora