Chapter 17; water break

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(Told from Loki's point of view)

Ever wondered what it was like to manipulate dreams? I thought about that before I learned. It's like a new reality that you control, and you can take anyone else with you...

I've never tried to bring two people into the same dream, I imagine it wouldn't turn out great, but nothing goes wrong in dreams.

I'm dancing with Harry, back in my male form. Harry didn't seem to mind, though, probably because his eyes were closed.


Harry opened his eyes at this, and stumbled backward. "Uhhh—oh." He slurred, his eyes darting around the place. "Wasn't I just here?"

"No." I say. "Not exactly."

Draco walks into the scene. "Loki? I was looking for you."

Harry looks at Draco, and attempts to walk away. I snap my fingers so that Harry can't walk anymore, and it's as if he's on a treadmill.

He looks down and then tries to run. "What?"

I chuckle. "We're standing where I want you to stand."

Harry looks back at me. "You can't do this."

I shrug. "Technically I can do whatever I want. This is my plain of existence."

Draco and Harry both stare at me. "I'm in your head. I can screw you up if I want. Messing up someone's mind is so much more dangerous than physical pain."

"Someone would beg to differ." Harry says. Draco shoots him a dirty look, and nods.

"Are you sure? You've never been manipulated that way before. If you knew what was causing your pain, you'd be on my side." I say.

"So. You bring us both here, what's the point?" Draco asks. "And why us?"

"I'm going to be honest with you, for once. There's only so many lies I can tell you before you catch on." I say. "Malfoy knows I was a double agent for a while. Now you do, Harry. If you truly know me, then I won't make your choices easy for you. This is a warning. A premonition. Get to know each other. You're more similar than you want to think."

Draco and Harry look at each other. "That's not going to happen." Harry says.

"I told you I wasn't going to make it easy for you." I say. "But I'd make it worth your while if you at least try."

Draco huffs indignantly. "I despise him."

"So do I." I say, patting him on the back.

"I'm right here." Harry growls. "And I hate him equally."

"Well then you better suck it up. I should return to my slumber, and you should too. Consider my offer. It may give you an advantage later."

I snapped, and saw Draco and Harry dissolve, as well as all of the people around him. I find myself awake five hours later, sitting upright in my bed.

I was the first one up. I went downstairs and sat on the couch by the fire, stroking Tiger and letting my tiny Hebridean Black dragon rest on my thigh.

Harry, Ron and Hermione came down an hour after me. Hermione admitted to putting large amounts of Sleekeazy's Hair Potion on her hair last night. Harry didn't say much. He was probably just contemplating what I had said in his dream last night, or he was thinking about Cedric's cryptic egg clue.

Oh yes, I knew about that. Perhaps Cedric should have been less worried about Ron hearing his clue and more worried about the other champion's eavesdropping. Harry being Harry, I knew he would put off visiting the prefect's bathroom until the last second, which is why I planned to visit it as soon as we got back to our classes, both avoiding Harry's eye and getting it out of the way.

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