Chapter 15

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Your POV

"(Y/n), I'm fine. I can walk myself," Sarah chuckles as she pulls her arm away from me. I shook my head as I held onto her arm and walked with her home.

She woke up this morning, thankfully. After from the event that happened last night, we spent the night in the hospital. Doctors say she hit her head hard on the tile floor when she fainted, but that she should be grateful she didn't get any brain damage.

"Doctors orders were for you to start off slow. I'm not letting you rush things. And I'm Cooking tonight, don't you even dare think about getting out of bed either."

Sarah just rolled her eyes as we both walked up to the front door where I unlocked it. I let her walk inside as I follow behind.

"Now, go take a shower, and go straight to bed," I tell her, acting like a parent.

"Shower and bed can wait, I have a project that's due tomorrow," She heads for the backyard door.


"(Y/n), if I don't get this project done, then I won't be getting paid to pay the bills."

"Then let me do it. All your doing is sealing it and framing right?"

"Well... yes but-,"

"You've showed me how to do it. I can do it. Just, please go take a shower and rest."

Sarah stayed quiet for a bit, but gives in and gives me a small nod. "Alright, well, be careful ok?"

"Will do," I smile towards her.

She smiles back as she heads to her room to get some new clothes.

I walk outside into the backyard and grab the white apron covered in paint that was on the ground. Sarah usually just tosses it somewhere. Apparently too lazy to hang it up.

I tie a knot behind my back as I start to look for the project.

The backyard wasn't that much. Just a normal backyard along with fresh green grass. With a small table and chairs. And to touch it off, one of those sun shade things.

I forgot what they're called.

I finally found the project, a... very interesting nude women sitting on a throne of skulls. Smiling to the side as she was stirring her tea with a chopped off human finger.

Sarah... what the hell is going through your mind?

I look closer to the girl she painted. Realizing it kinda looked like me.

Seriously Sarah, what is going through your mind?

I pick up the clear seal off spray from the table as I began to spray all over the painted canvas. The was the easy part. The hard part is finding a frame.

I finished up the clear seal and put the spray can back on the table. Before I started questioning what frame to use, I hear the doorbell ring.

I groan as I walk back inside to answer the door. As soon as I open the door, I immediately regretted it.

"Hi (Y/n)-Chan~!"

I closed the door quickly.

"(Y/n)! Please let me in!" I heard Todomatsu yell on the other side of the door.

"Give me one damn good reason why I should, you fucking ass!" I yell on my side, quickly locking the door.

"(Y/n) I'm really sorry about yesterday. Please, can we just talk?"

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