Chapter 9

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Beach Party

Your POV:

I felt like throwing up.

After what had just happen, I don't know what to do anymore and my emotions surely aren't helping me.

He just confessed to me...

He just confessed... to me...

He really doesn't remember me...

I walked into the RV and sat down on the couch, trying to think of the event that just happened. My hand was rested against my chest, where my heart should be. It kept beating.

Bu bum

Bu bum

Were my old feeling starting to return? No no, they can't, I won't allow that... stick to the plan, (Y/n)!

He can't just say that to me after what he's done! He can't! It's not right! That... that...

"Hey, (Y/n)~" I look over to see a very drunk Osomatsu. He plopped himself on the couch and laid his head on my shoulder.

"Oso, get off, you smell like beer!"

"Ah come on! Nothing like beer smell has ever harmed anyone!" He chuckles and nuzzles into my neck. Dear god I didn't want him to be here now.

"Hey... (Y/n)..." I turned to look over at him, his cheeks were a tint of pink, but his expression was serious. "Why must we forget about you?"

That question again, I could tell him now since Todomatsu wasn't around. But on the other hand, he was drunk, which he could possibly forget about this in the morning.

"I... rather not tell you now..."

"Is it because I can't keep a secret?!" He teases me and wraps his arms around me. I tried pushing him off until the door of the RV opens,  revealing Choromatsu.

"O-oh I'm so sorry (Y/n)! Nii-San get off her!" Choro came over and started pulling Osomatsu off me.

"Hey, I just wanted to ask why we have to not remember her!" He yells out causing Choromatsu to stop his movements and look up at me.

Choro wasn't drunk so I could just tell him about it. It seemed well enough. But at the same time I was a bit scared...

"(Y/n), could you tell us please? We are worried about you..." Choromatsu looked at me.

I gave them a small nod and put my hands in my lap. I began to pour out the story that what happen to me and Todomatsu two years go. A few tears ran down my cheeks as I confessed what he said to me. How he truly felt towards me. How he forgot me...

The whole time Choro and Oso listened to me, non of them spoke said anything while I continued my story.

Once I was done I didn't look at them. Just staring at my hands while I hiccuped a few times. Suddenly I felt a warm hand on my face and I tense up. My eyes moved up to see Osomatsu gently wiping my tears away. I guess his big brother senses kick in too even when he's drunk.

"We're very sorry (Y/n) that he had to treat you like that... we never knew..." Osomatsu's apology caused me to start balling.

Oso wrapped his arms around me and held me tightly while I cried. I hated crying, instead of crying I would cut myself, hoping that would numb my emotions a bit.

Suddenly I felt the RV move a bit, I didn't dare see who was coming in. Instead I just buried my face into Osomatsu's shoulder.

"What's going on?" It was Todomatsu.

|Repairing a Broken Heart| Todomatsu x Depressed!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now