Chapter 2

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The Stranger

Todomatsu's POV

It's been two years since Sutabaa has opened up today they are having their anniversary. I couldn't wait for the big paycheck I was gonna get out of it. Also from the cute girls I work with, I'm hoping if I got the confidence to ask them to a mixer.

I was looking over my Instagram page to see if any new feed popped up. Sadly, nothing.

"Totty~ pay attention to your big brother~," I groan as I heard Osomatsu complain for me.

"Oso, please shut up."

"But Totty~ What about your hot friends, surly they'll give me attention," I heard him as I threw a pillow at his face. How disgusting he was.

"Can you two please stop I'm trying to focus reading," I heard my older brother Choro complain as he looked over the newspaper.

I knew he wasn't reading it, he was just covering up his anime and trying not to be an embarrassment. Which we all know that he is.

"Oh come on Fappymatsu, we know you also want to go on a date with one of Totty's hot girlfriends~"

"Who the hell is Fappymatsu?!" He yelled out in frustration.

In the corner of the room I could hear Ichimatsu getting annoyed as he let out a small growl.

"Guys let's not fight, we get to go to Todomatsu's work and celebrate!" I look over to see Jyushimatsu that was bouncing on a ball. I didn't even know that we had one.

"Hmph, yes my Burazza's we should be happy for this arrangement, our little brother has worked so hard and deserves a break from our bickering. We should all just get along and love one anoth-,"

"Shittymatsu, please shut up," I interrupted him from his painful speech. I got up from the floor as I made my way out the door. "I'm going for a walk."

"Oh wait, the ceremony is at 5 right?"

I closed the door, not answering Osomatsu's question. I needed to get away form my annoying brothers who just kept bothering me.

I let out a sigh as I put my hands in my hoodie pocket, taking a nice stroll to the park.

It was already summer but it hasn't gotten hot yet, just a nice breeze to cool us down. There were a few clouds in the sky, giving a bit of shade when they cover the sun.

Soon I finally made it to the park, a lot a people weren't around which was a good thing. Let's me have some peace and quiet.

I took a seat at a near by bench and took my phone out. Still no new feed. I began to hear panting as I turned my head to look over and see two female joggers.

The one on the right side was a plump girl with brown hair. She was wearing tight blue work out pants along with a pink t shirt. Beside her was a really beautiful (C/h) hair girl. She was wearing a black shirt with a unicorn pooping out rainbow ice cream with black shorts.

The shirt made me chuckle, and I realized I couldn't stop staring at her. To others she looked like a mess from working out, to me she looked really pretty.

They both slowed down from jogging and panting heavily. They walked right passed me to a water fountain that I didn't realize that was there and started taking turns getting a drink.

I took out my phone to pretend I was looking through some things, when really I listened to their conversation.

"Jeez, (Y/n), your falling behind," the brown haired girl jokingly said to her friend.

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