I nodded my head in understanding. Automatically, my shaky hand trailed up to Steve's face. My fingers lightly trailed along the side of his cheek. He sat on my right side, looking worn down as hell. A light stubble decorated his lower jaw and his hair wasn't done.

"Me amor, when was the last time you slept?" I questioned in a quiet tone. He shook it off saying he would sleep when I woke up, "I'm awake now."

He sighed, his eyes smiling and his hand reached for mine. He planted a soft kiss on my bruised skin. The pain was bearable considering that was the most physical contact we've had since I was taken. He carefully placed my hand back down beside me, never once letting it go.

"How ya feeling?"

"I feel like I've been put through the wringer... then back a few times." His face hardened and I gave his hand a minuscule squeeze, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Those words held more weight than I think either of us realized. A healthy dose of fear came along with them. I haven't allowed myself to feel that way about anyone in a very long time... but the second I felt him beneath my fingers again it was all I could say.

"You know..." I breathed out, my eyes searching his face, "This is the first time, in a while, I've looked at you and haven't known what's going on in that busy head of yours."

"I think it's better if you don't."


"I haven't felt that much... rage... in so long. I knew as soon as I laid eyes on that son of a bitch—" Steve bit back and I didn't respond, I would have done the same thing if I were in his shoes.

"And what happened to him?" I asked slowly, scared to hear the answer.

"He was cornered, got panicky, and injected himself with his latest concoctions."

Steve's face hardened once more and I could tell what he was gonna say next, "And it killed him?"

"Initially no, he was handling it, but his body was too weak and it killed him... so yeah he's dead," Steve sighed and looked back down at me.

"Just like that. He's gone." I stared up at the ceiling and swallowed down the lump that formed in my throat, "He's gone." I breathed out in disbelief. He's gone.

I blinked slowly and allowed the darkness to settle in. The memory of Emilio yelling at me before shooting Cooper flashed before my eyes. Cooper.

"Shit!" I huffed and tried to sit up, "Cooper— what happened to him? He-he was shot but I don't know—"

"Who?" Steve rushed to sit me back down.

"Cooper— Cooper Wadfield, went by uh— subject 130, male, mid 30's, dirty blonde hair—"

"Yeah there was a Cooper—" Steve cut off my rambling, "I think... he was in critical condition, had to be airlifted to a local hospital like you but I haven't heard anything on the others we saved." Steve slowly pushed me back down, "He'll be alright. Just relax, please." I nodded my head and tried to calm my spiking heart rate.

The sound of the door opening caught both of our attention. In walked Banner with a tablet in hand and his glasses sat low on the bridge to his nose.

"You're awake." Bruce spoke joyfully, "How are you feeling?"

"Alright I guess, my legs feel a bit awkward though. How many meds do you have me on?" I teased.

My light-hearted joke seemed to ruffle the boy's feathers. Banner immediately looked at Steve and then back at me warily. Bruce cleared his throat and adjusted his glasses out of habit.

The Calm Before The Storm ➳ Avengers Age Of UltronDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora