C H A P T E R 31

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Chapter 31: Recovery


When we landed, the medical staff was quick to whisk me away. The team filed out of the plane and into the tower. Steve walked as close to the gurney as possible without getting in the doctor's way. My eyes tracked him as best as I could but I could feel my consciousness slipping away yet again. He wanted to follow them into the elevator but Thor held him back by his shoulder.

Steve tried to look past the God's broad build, worry in his eyes. Thor looked over his shoulder, waiting to see that I had made it in safely before turning back to Steve.

"We've done all we can, it's their turn now." Thor soothed.

When Steve tried to fight back he repeated his previous statement. Thor released Steve and he angrily shouted and cursed. The Captain aggressively kicked a chair, sending it across the room to splinter into pieces.

"Easy there, Cap," Tony tried to mediate, telling him to slow down.

Natasha stepped into his line of sight and held out her hand. Steve's chest rose with heavy breaths, anger growing in his eyes. Tasha slowly walked toward him, offering him some comforting words.

"Steve, we all care about her... you're not the only one who wants to break shit... but you need to calm down. All we can do is wait."

Her tone was enough to get him to think. He shook his head and wanted nothing more than to be beside me. Natasha's eyes begged him to stop and he did. Steve straightened up his poster before his shoulders dropped.

"Nat, I was finally happy, we were happy." His voice broke and his venerability began to show, "She manages to survive 4 weeks of torture just to be swept off into surgery because of a gunshot... Nat, you saw what they were doing to them... to her. She doesn't deserve that."

"I know she doesn't. She'll pull through... she always does."

She placed a hand on his bicep, telling him to take a walk with her. She ushered him down the hallway and looks over her shoulder at Tony. His face was hardened and he stared ahead at the elevator doors before pulling out his phone and walking off, Thor stood stoically with his arms crossed over his chest and having a small conversation with Clint. Barton looked the most beat up, other than Steve of course.

Bruce was talking to one of the nurses but she couldn't quite hear what. Natasha's hand ran soothing circles along Steve's arm as they rounded the corner, away from the team.


The bright fluorescent lights caused my eyes to immediately shut. I groaned as I heard rustling beside me. I could feel the weight of Steve's hands press down on the hospital bed. The pulse oximetry on my finger lightly pressed up against his skin. The blaring beeping coming from my heart rate monitor. This is how it felt when I first got my powers, everything was overstimulating. Loud, noisy. Steve shifted again and the movement hurt my ears.

"Stop." I whispered, "It's, it's all too loud."

My eyes stopped their rapid blinking once they focused in on Steve's worried face. His eyes looked longingly into mine.

"Water— please." I croaked.

Steve sprung to his feet and poured some water into a light blue plastic cup from a cart a few feet away. He helped me take a sip before I laid back down. He settled back into his seat, his tired frame slumped into the poorly cushioned chair.

"How long have I been out?" I asked hoarsely.

"Almost 16 hours... took you a bit to wake up from the surgery."

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