C H A P T E R 29

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Chapter 29: Numb


   Time moves in a linear line. Concrete. Solidified. Predetermined. Regardless of how hard you try and change the outcome of events, things will play out the way they're supposed to. When I see something, it just is. How I perceive it is what changes, not the actual event. I have yet to be able to change the outcome of a premonition... sometimes I wonder why I get them if I can't prevent them.

   I still hope that even the worst of my visions can be changed. I still hope that maybe one day all the bad could turn into some good. But that's wishful thinking. I still hold out that hope... that what I see isn't what we get, that the outcome is ever-changing, and that science is wrong for once. But until that happens, I'm stuck.

   Everywhere I went I was accompanied by a team of three or more security guards. Extensive measures went into place to find Emilio and the team seemed to be apart more than together. It seemed everyone was running on caffeine and power naps the past few weeks, fully invested in the search for Emilio and or the scepter. We were beginning to stretch ourselves too thin to the point where things began to slip through the cracks.

   Before we knew it the things we were trying to avoid became inevitable. Elena came to visit and I couldn't stay cooped up in the tower for eternity. I convinced my head of security, Brian, to take us out to get burgers. We took every precaution possible for us to do so... but things still happen.

   "You're sulking." Elena pointed out beside me. My fingers tightened against the seatbelt.

   I groaned and stared out the window, "No I'm not."

   "And yet you are."

   "Well then let me. People are gonna die if we don't find him."

   "We're doing everything we can."

   "And yet it's not enough." I clamped my jaw shut and closed my eyes, "It baffles me... the fact that we can't find one man. He's avoided capture for this long then all of a sudden one slip up and he's back on my radar. I just don't get it."

   Elena was getting ready to say something but stopped when both my eyes and head rolled back. The car jilted, snapping my body against the seatbelt. I instantly broke out in a sweat, my skin itching from the sudden hot flash. I sucked in a harsh breath before my body started to twitch. My body sent out every possible warning. Blue energy wrapped around me protectively before suctioning back into my body.

   I was aggressively forced back into reality, excruciating pain cramping my abdomen. Tension pried my eyes open and daylight brought me to my senses. I wasn't in the car anymore, rather I was on the sidewalk.

   Confusion didn't aid my pulsating headache. My mind was trying to play catch up, attempting to place the missing pieces together. It had all hit me at once, a tsunami washing away my control. Everything from the premonition I had two weeks ago came to fruition. My body felt warm, almost numb to the pain it was experiencing.

   Blood coated my fingers when I touched the gunshot wound. The sound of the bullet ripping through the air still rung in my ears, distant but distinct. I wanted to move, to find shelter, but I couldn't. My body lay motionless on the pavement... my mind was yelling at me to go. Run.

   The sound of broken glass crunching beneath a heavy set of boots. My eyes flickered up to see him. His face was blurry and his voice was echoey as he spoke, "Smile."

   A bright camera flash blinded me and everything went black.


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