Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty-Four

I arrive at school with a bag neatly packed with enough clothes for the weekend. I have no idea if Jennie knows I'm staying, because my grandfather discussed it with her step-mother. Apparently, her step-mother is one of the principle doctors in town and treats a lot of my grandfather's church friends, so he knows her vaguely through them. And when he found out that Jennie was her step-daughter, he warmed a little towards her. At least, that's the impression I get, because he didn't directly state any of that.

I can speak Grandfather though, so I'm fairly sure that's what happened.

On the other hand, I have absolutely no idea of what Jennie thinks of this whole thing. I know that yesterday she called me her friend. But we're not exactly best friends, and to suddenly have your mother – or step-mother – dump someone on you for the weekend, can't be all that great.

I guess I'll just have to promise that I won't cramp her style or whatever.

God, I hope I don't have to spend the whole weekend watching her and Jongin make out. I mean, I like the boy and, since getting to know the two of them, I've been far more able to accept their relationship with a grain of salt but that might be taking the whole thing a bit too far.

I run into Jennie on the way to my first class and she stops me in the corridor.

"Oh, Jisoo, is everything okay? Hyorin said your grandfather rang yesterday and there was a family emergency."

I nod, and bite my lip. I never know how much to say in these circumstances. "Yeah. Uh, I hope you don't mind me staying. I didn't... I didn't know my grandfather called your step-mother..."

"Yeah, who knew they knew each other?" Jennie gave a short grin. "Of course it's cool, ya goofball. We'll have lots of fun." Her expression became serious. "Sorry, that was probably completely inappropriate given your family emergency..."

I pat her on the arm as she looks worried.

"It's fine. My grandfather's brother got sick, but to be honest, he's been sick for a long time. He really just got sicker. My grandfather has to go out to see him, that's all."

"Well, I'll think of some good ways to distract you from bad thoughts then." She grins again. "I'll just feed you lots of Coke. Caffeinated Jisoo has gotta be wicked cool."

That makes even me chuckle but my reply is cut off by the bell.

"Catch ya in English," she says, and leaves for class.

I sit with her at lunch because it's a nice day and Jennie, Krystal, Jongin and a couple of their friends are all sitting under a huge tree in the school yard. For the first time ever, I make the decision to join them without being invited. I sit on the edge, next to Jongin, because it's safe there.

I'd sit next to Jennie but she's flanked by Krystal and Paul, neither of whom I particularly like. I'm fairly sure that Paul is attempting to screw every girl at school, with the possible exception of me.

One or two of the others give me strange looks. This is the quasi-alternative-cool group. In fact, this is the cool group that isn't full of jocks or cheerleaders, Krystal notwithstanding.

What the hell Jisoo Kim is doing sitting with them is probably anyone's guess, but I figure that after a week of being called over by Jongin and Jennie, and with me staying at Jennie's house tonight, it's probably okay for me to sit quietly near them at lunch.

And although I get a few of those strange looks, the ones that say 'Why are you sitting with us?', no-one actually says anything.

Except Jongin. He talks to me quietly throughout lunch. The more I talk to him, the more I like him. He's funny, he's sweet, and he's completely crazy about Jennie. Although it's a silent relationship, it is something we have in common. I should hate him. I used to hate him. Knowing him – hating him is impossible.

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