What if Robotnik won early? (Part 4)

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Hey guys I'm back! I apologize for the delay, but a lot of things have been happening lately.

Last time on this What if, Ivo and Miles had managed to make a new Sonic, now labeled Bio Sonic, to fix the mistake done years ago.

Rouge and Amy had also become members of Robotnik's slowly growing Team.

Now we pick up at Adventure 1 & 2.

During this time, the world has made better improvements to itself thanks to a fully redeemed Ivo's help.

Medical experience has increased.

Transportation is safer.

And Ivo's small team have been rounding up dangerous threats left and right.

Everything seems to be going good so far.....

.......until it started going downhill.

Remember when I said Knuckles wasn't doing anything because Sonic and Robotnik never faced each other on Angel Island?

Well Knuckles finally gets his chance to do something after all.

One day on the island, Knuckles was relaxing and guarding the Master Emerald, when he heard a shattering sound.

He turns to see the Master Emerald shattered and a water creature standing there before turning into a puddle and sliding away.

Chaos has just been unleashed into the world!

How he did he get out? No knows at this point.

The Master Emerald may have been turned into a prison, but it was never assured that Chaos would always stay in there.

Chaos is supposedly a god after all.

Once Knuckles survives Angel Island falling into the ocean, he begins his hunt for the Master Emerald shards.

His hunt takes him all over Station Square and other places.

It doesn't take long for the echidna to attract trouble when police approach him due to "suspicious activity".

When the police try to stop him for questioning, Knuckles tries to fight them off, which gets him more unwanted attention.

Knuckles eventually gets the attention of Bio Sonic, who happened to be running around the city.

As you would obviously expect, Knuckles and Sonic wind up fighting each other when Knuckles thinks he has a shard.

Not much is different between the original fight and this one, except for Bio Sonic not being as physically strong as the real Sonic.

Bio Sonic does eventually win the fight in the end by wearing him out, but the battle damaged the area and left Sonic gasping for air.

After getting Knuckles to calm down, he tries to get him to talk.

Knuckles explains his dilemma to Bio Sonic, to which the hedgehog offers his help.

Knuckles is, of course, stubborn and reluctant to get an outsider's help.

But after Sonic says that he has some friends who could help cover more ground for him, Knuckles eventually agrees to team up with Sonic and friends.

At this point, it's pretty much the whole world against Chaos.

Chaos originally had Robotnik help him gather the Chaos Emeralds, but he doesn't have that help because Ivo turned good in my version of this timeline.

So the entire story of Adventure is spent with the gang trying to get all the Master Emerald shards, while Chaos is attempting to get all the Chaos Emeralds.

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