What if Shadow was made by Mother Wisp? (Part 4) [Finale?]

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It's time I finish this timeline so this book can move onto other What ifs.

Just a heads up, since Frontiers won't be out the time I post this, I won't be including it in the What if.

I'll as briefly as possible lay down what happens in the last few games.


Sonic Unleashed

Most of the story in Unleashed stays the same, but with the twist being Shadow gets involved halfway through the adventure.

Shadow basically finds a street filled with tons of Dark Gaia creatures causing chaos all over the place.

When he meets his adopted son being in Werehog form, he's initially surprised at this, but eases the boy to not let his change get to him.

If there was multiplayer, this Shadow would be Player 2 for the Werehog stages.

Shadow just stays with Sonic and helps with the adventure, though something diverts him away from the final battle.

Some mysterious figure tries to sabotage their battles in Adabat, Shamar and Holoska.

After Adabat encounter, Shadow wishes Sonic well on defeating Eggman as he tries to hunt down whoever was interrupting their fights.

Unfortunately, he only gets a short chase scene with the enemy before they disappear, leaving Shadow wondering if there's a reason he was the target specifically.


Sonic Colors

Shadow joins Sonic and Tails for this adventure in a space amusement park, the run seeming normal for a bit.

It's when they encounter Wisps for the first time that things shift quickly.

Shadow is shocked to find that his siblings are being captured by Eggman, having to hold back his rage at the moment in front of his two adopted sons.

He then realized that if his siblings are here...

...his mother must be here too!

The hybrid uses the time to catch up with his siblings, namely Yacker, who never got to meet Shadow since the two were born years apart.

Shadow pretty spends most of the adventure being Player 2, as well as the tutorial for extra abilities each Wisp can give Sonic.

On every planet is that same mystery figure, still trying to sabotage their adventures and make their fight difficult.

It's not until they freed the last planet and headed back for the main park that the figure reveals itself to Sonic and Shadow.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" Shadow demands answers from the enemy

"Who are you? Why are you doing this?" Shadow demands answers from the enemy

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