The eye part III (the last)

Start from the beginning

Little did I know that same crush from this morning was outside that building

This crush is not a stranger

We've never talked except that one time in 9th grade for a group project, but we always had some sort of eye communication since 10th grade now we're in beginning of 12th

Eye communication in my perspective was like a secret telegram were we somehow connect (I'll explain more on another chapter)

I guess one may be thinking even maybe I that why things never kick off... that's  just another story to tell

Anyways, as I was rubbing my eye prepared to go to my 7th class

he was staring at me

I saw a couple of his friends with him too

I couldn't really register a feeling how that made me feel 

to see your crush outside your building hallway staring at you once you came out

Now as I'm writing this now I never knew why he could've been there

Okay he had lunch during last minute of 5th period while I didn't

So maybe he got an early start to stand there and just talk to his friends.. maybe not involving me

I sort of thought that he and his friends somehow knew I was in that building and was waiting for me

but that sounded to self centered to think

but you never know what was the reality of that situation if you didn't know what was growing through their mind or perspectives

Back to the past, as my crush was staring at me after I rubbed my eyes I didn't allow myself to really register any thing

I stuck back to reality and that is I need to head to my last class

So last class and my day would finally be over

It turned out that class was teaching two different courses one is 3D art which is the beginner art and the other was AP art which is the one I was registered for

So I ended up sitting at the back table and felt like everything was just a mess 

So when the bell rang you could say I was happy to go home

As happy as any one would be to leave school after a long day I supposed

I was a bus rider so I had a long walk since the bus loop and art class are far from each other(not to far but far)

As I was walking towards the bus loop I saw him again

He was at the 2nd floor on the outside stairs 

I kept on walking 

little did I could've knew...

he was now walking beside me

The same steps and same strodes

As if he was waiting for me so he could do that

I don't even know what my emotions were at that moment

I was walking and he was walking near me all of a sudden in the same pace

 I could feel the tension that was there at that moment

This has happened before in the past .. him walking near me 

That other time was of course weird and a bit nerve wrecking but it eventually became chill because your just walking not much to it. I actually didn't mind it -- I mean at first it gave me anxiety but then I calmed down. It felt great that I could be so at eased walking near my crush at that moment without the occasionally anxiety.

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