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11 months later ; kara

The backstage of the auditorium buzzed with excitement and anticipation. A hush fell over the crowd outside when Alana, after having kissed Alex (who was holding Xander) on the lips quickly like she did every morning, slipped out of the opening of the curtain.

I could hear her thanking the crowd for coming and raising funds for the poor of Argo. Then suddenly, I'm ushered onstage and I nearly trip over the wide gown I'm wearing. Hundreds of expectant faces look up to me, waiting for me to speak.

My voice trembled with nerves. As a reflex, I looked through the audience for a pair of comforting grey eyes even though I knew he wouldn't be there.

And then he was. Just not in the audience, but on the other side of the stage. At once, the air becomes still. Only the two of us existed in this world-- nothing else mattered.

Comfort slowly replaces the fear in my body. My body relaxes and I deliver my lines much more naturally. And when Mon-El holds me and looks at me like I'm the only thing that matters in the whole world, I don't even care about the people watching. I melt into his embrace as he says his lines with grace.

Tears are streaming down my face in the last act. I think of what would happen to me if this actually happened to Mon-El. I kiss his lips tenderly, hoping that there would still be some poison on them, then take the dagger and stab myself to death.

The duration of the play passes by lightning fast. Before I know it, Alana's onstage again, announcing our names and roles, and the audience was applauding like crazy. Mon-El takes my hand and beams at me.

And then something crazy happened.

He got down on one knee, and starts fumbling for something in his pocket.

"Yes," I say without a split second of hesitation before he could even ask.

"Yes?" His eyes are wet. He's finally found the ring, and he's holding it upside down. What a clueless dork. I love him so much.

"Yes!" I pull him up and kiss him passionately. The audience goes wild. I hear Alex and Alana screaming beside us. I think I catch a glimpse of my mother beaming at me, pride in her eyes.

"I love you," we whisper to each other at the same time.

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