
775 31 11

tw// unplanned pregnancy


"She seems fine," I said, turning to look at Kara sleeping peacefully in the medbay bed. "Although that bullet must have been bad for the baby. We can't exactly use technology to see—"

"Baby?" He tensed.

My heart dropped.

"Oh, my god. Oh my god. I thought you knew!"

"Well, I guess I do now," he said breathlessly.

"I'm so, so sorry. It should've been her... I ruined the moment!"

"It's okay. Just... give me time to process this," he said.

"Of course. Take as long as you want." I left the room, not being able to believe what I had just done.

Still immersed in my thoughts, I paid no particular attention to where I was going and accidentally bumped into a girl with long black hair on the balcony.

"Gosh! I'm so sorry," I said quickly, and when she looked up, I couldn't help but notice she was quite pretty. I hoped the dark was enough to conceal my involuntary blush.

"It's fine." She turned back toward the night sky in silence.

"Can't sleep?" I asked. It was two in the morning.

"Yeah... just thinking."

"Want me to, uh, think in silence with you?"

She smiled. "Actually, that'd be really nice. Thanks."

"I'm Alex, by the way. Director of the DEO. Nice to meet you."

"Alana. Former princess of Daxam."

"Wow, Your Highness," I teased and bowed.

"I, uh, don't answer to that title anymore." She laughed and I felt my heart start beating faster. "You know, Alex, I think I'd like to know you a bit better," she said.

"Yeah? Me too."

now i am [karamel]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें