Chapter 2

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Y/n: Well...damn.

*Around me are people as diverse as they can be. People flying 5cm above the floor, mutants changing into foxes, shapeshifters, horses, people shinning because of the sun (vampires)... Others with more "normal" powers, like elastic people, accompanied by animal invocations, giant persons, tiny ones, there are even dwarfs, well they had to shrink themselves, it is more convenient to walk through the corridors and plenty of others. The academy is very high, surely to allow people to fly peacefully. As I walked through the corridors I bumped into someone. I look around,but see no one..

???: Yahh you could look where you're going!!!

~OMG it's an invisible person!~

Y/n: Sorry but it's pretty difficult if you are invisible.If you'll excuse me, I have to go.
???: Tss...

*As soon as I come in here I have problems... But also compliments, he though that I was cute. So I continue my path to the reception desk. Once I get there I asked the lady elf for my schedule, my room and my class. I'm in 1-C and now I time. ~Cool!~ I have time to look for my room and look around the academy.

Y/n: So this is the dormitory, woo...

*I enter it and find my room.

Y/n: It doesn't even look like a school room

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Y/n: It doesn't even look like a school room...Oh I have a mate, I wonder who this could b-

Oh I have a mate, I wonder who this could b-Y/n: AAAAAA WHAT IS THAT?!?!

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???: Basilisk come back here!! Oh hey!!You're my new roommate?

~New...? There were others before me?~

Y/n: What is this?
???: It's Basilisk, my favorite snake, like Pikachu and Sasha in Pokemon.
Y/n: What is your power?
???: I control and speak to insects and reptiles.


???: Ahh, how dumb am I. I am Wendy.

~Great I have an earthworm expert in my class and I share her room...But there's something weird...Her mind is...What is this...?~

Wendy: Hellooooo are you okay?
Y/n: Y-yeah hah I am Y/n. Wendy, that name is pretty!
Wendy: *blushes*Thanks hahah, Y/n is pretty too!

*We smile to eachother and she says-

Wendy: Mind if we stay together? I'll show you around.
Y/n: Y-yeah b-but...d-do y-you mind getting this t-thing of my leg...?
Wendy: Ahh it means he likes you. Sorry, Basilisk come here!

*And with that he gets of me and goes into the sleeve of his master...Ew...Anyway I put my stuff near my new bed and we leave the room.

Wendy: As you may have noticed, the acadamy is very high to allow wizards to fly peacefully. Then there's "playground" where all the wizards that are controlling four elements can practice without trouble.

*I was listening to her closely, fascinated by this place. There is literally everything! Boxing room, gigantic garden, art class apparently for people making their drawing real, meditation classes and so on...

~Time skip~

*We spent two hours and we have been talking about everything and I ask her-

Y/n: So...Since when are you here?

*I can see her face expression changing, she lost a bit of her smile.

Wendy: Hmm I got here a week ago hahahah, let's go in the classroom or we will be late.

~Why is she changing the subject? I try to read her mind but it's so strange...~

Y/n: Yeah, let's go.

*We get up and go in our class...Oh, they're pretty normal for a magic academy. As we enter the classroom, everyone looked at us.

 As we enter the classroom, everyone looked at us

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*I heard thoughts of many students:

1-Omo she has a friend.
2-She must be dangerous.
3-We shouldn't talk to her.
4-Be careful around them...

~Are they talking about me? What is happening?~

*I just went to seat next to Wendy and...well seat.

~After some time~

*The class is finished and now is the time to eat. ~OMO IS IT REALLY A CAFETERIA?! It kinda looks like a church. And there is a lot of food!!!Cakes, spaghetti, japanese, italian, french, chinese, american specialities...Jesus...Holy cow...I found it. A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!!!~

*I run towards it while pushing people out of my way

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*I run towards it while pushing people out of my way. I take the plate and start to fill it with everything, earning weird looks by the others, but HEY I gotta eat I don't want to become a woodstick! Once I finished stuffing so much food I joined Wendy at the table and we started to eat. We were here for about 30 minutes and everytime someone entered the cafeteria they started giving me disgusted/scared/weird looks...I gotta ask her why.

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