Chapter 8 Part 1

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He was sitting down with his back against a tree, staring off into the distance and gave no indication that he noticed my return until I spoke. “I've put her somewhere safe and made sure she had some food and water.”

There was no reply forthcoming and I chose to sit next to him and wait. It took several minutes but he finally looked at me, “Thank you.” He made several attempts to speak further but it seemed that the words kept escaping him. Expressions flitted across his mobile and handsome face in rapid succession until he finally gave up and looked away again.

I really had no idea how to start this conversation either but I needed to say something, “Perhaps this whole event will bring us back together. Uriel said that even Elohim was concerned when I...,” I found I had a hard time stating that I had disappeared or died, or whatever it was that had happened.

“Died,” he said softly, “You were dead Remiel.”

“I choose to think of it as rejoining the universe.” I didn't think the concept of death truly applied to us, even though I had just experienced what most people would deem as death.

“Describe it as you wish, you were no longer with us,” Lucifer pointed out. “It hurt, when you disappeared. I felt as if a part of myself had been taken from me. When my power hit you, I felt it within my own being. Not as intensely as you did I'm sure but the attack upon you hurt me.”

“I didn't feel anything when I threw you into that wall of ice,” I informed him.

“You were not using energy to do so, the pain I felt was a result of the collision. There would be no reason for you to feel that.”

“These are all things we should tell the rest,” I said.

Once again his eyes returned to looking at me, not into the open air and his face was quite serious. “They felt you disappear just as I did. That's why they all asked for you, they were trying to find you. That is not what we must discuss. You and I are talking around the true issue. It's becoming more and more apparent that either Elohim or I must submit to the other's point of view.”

“No, that is not entirely true. You and he could agree to leave Lillith and her mate to their own devices and just return to how things were before their creation.”

He favored me with a truly pitying look, “You are not that naïve.”

“Lucifer, I have the answer to Elohim's question. There is something greater than ourselves, it spoke to me, brought me back,”

“And you think that will make a difference?” He interrupted.

“Shouldn't it? That seemed to be the question at the core of his desire to create Lillith. If he knows that he is not the entity that is in control of everything perhaps he will back away from this need for worshippers.”

He shook his head, “With everything that happened I did not get the chance to tell you about the conversation he and I had regarding what you and Seraqual informed me of. Elohim said nothing at first, he seemed completely unconcerned about it. He merely appeared to find the situation intriguing and continued working on Lillith's mate. When I pushed further stating that it was a cause for concern and he should not repeat what I had done with Lillith with his creation he finally looked at me.” His face stilled, “He thanked me for informing him, stated that he would do as he liked with his creation and whatever problems I had incurred were mine to deal with, turned away from me and returned to crafting her mate.”

I wasn't quite sure why he seemed so concerned about Elohim's reaction. It was certainly quite a bit calmer than I thought it would have been. “He does have a bit of a point. You had no idea transporting her would bind you two even closer together, now that we know about that we can avoid doing it. He's continuing with the agreement that we reached. I thought he would have been more upset with you.”

“That is what concerns me, he wasn't. I got the impression that he was storing what I told him away for future reference. I believe he viewed it as something of interest, not a problem. When we all meet to discuss what happened between you and it would not surprise me if he asks questions as to how we did what we did.”

He stood up, took several steps away from me and started to pace. “What we did, what I did, I never want to experience that again. Hurting you, causing all this upheaval. That was never my intention in any of this. Perhaps I do care too much about her. Is this one creation worth all of it?” Subdued shades of red and orange worked their way up his arms and ran down his back. “I hadn't expected her creation to cause such disharmony. I knew Elohim would not be happy with what I had done but I didn't expect the others to side with him or get so upset. When they accused me of upsetting the balance it just made me want to prove their point wrong. How could something as amazing as her be wrong? She's the most intricate, complex thing we have ever made Remiel. Everything we have created up until now, all that knowledge we gained, it all led to her.” His dimmed aura started to regain strength and vibrancy the longer he paced and talked. “Lillith is a creation that matches the universe's creation of us! What right do we have to try to control her or her mate?”

I slowly worked my way to my feet. “Complexity and intricacy does not relieve of us our responsibilities to make sure that what we do does not cause harm.”

“She does not harm!” He snapped, fixing his gold eyes upon me as he stopped mid stride.

“The idea of her does not,” I agreed, “Your elevation of her to something that lies somewhere between creation and creator does. Elohim's desire to make them worship him and his assertion that he is the voice of the universe does. Her design is not in question, making something that walks and talks as we do is not inherently unbalanced, although, even you must admit that you were not called to create her.”

His eyes narrowed but he looked away, acknowledging my point.

“That is what we are all upset about Lucifer, not her, but what you added to her without informing us along with Elohim's attitude are the problem. Both of you dismissed us, both of you put yourselves above your brothers and what is truly important. That must stop, somehow, and it must stop now or the battle you and I had will not be the last.”

Everything about him froze, including his aura. “You would fight me again?”

“No, I would rather not but I was referring to the rest of our brothers, Michael especially. If you and he fought it would not be as short lived as our encounter was.” Another prediction of mine I wished had never come to pass. “It's time. We need to discuss this with the others.”

I reached out to all of my brothers at once. Normally I would have Uriel relay things but at that moment I felt that the best way to have them be in a more receptive frame of mind was if I did it myself. “Brothers. Please join Lucifer and I as soon as is convenient.”

I hoped that both grassland around us and my family would still be intact at the end of this meeting.

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