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there was absolutely nothing registering in seokjin's mind to explain why he was shirtless when he awoke.
or why he was pressed up against a warm chest of who knows who.
there were surely a lot of questions to be asked and oh boy he did not know where the hell to start.
jin tried his best to sit up, the grip too powerful for him to be successful, so he went to his second option; turn around in the unknown person's arms and be face to face with them.
seokjin attempted to be as quiet as possible, moving slow enough in hopes the shifting of the bed and the sound of the covers wouldn't awaken the human being next to him.
when he had finally succeeded and all seemed well, suddenly the intense gaze of the gorgeous brown eyes he couldn't possibly forget pierced into his own, effectively taking seokjin by suprise.
jin didn't mean to scream, and jungkook certainly didn't mean to scream back, and they both jumped into a sitting position, eyes seemingly locked together.
avoiding direct eye contact for any longer than necessary, jin raked his orbs around the new area he found himself in while he asked curiously,
"we didn't have sex right?"
ok, that is not what jungkook expected, and he found himself uncomfortable with how to approach the situation.
no we didn't."
confused, seokjin perked his head up and cocked it to the side,
"then may i ask why am i here, and why don't i have a shirt on?"
"well that is a very long story, one i will get to, but how about i make you breakfast first pretty boy."
a genuine smile settled on seokjin's face, knowing the most attractive and interesting man he had ever seen thought he was pretty apparently.
this is gonna be fun.
"pretty boy, huh?"
jeon jungkook wasn't usually a man that blushes easily, or ever, but the beautiful stripper reduced him to a red mess in seconds when he realized that he called him pretty boy out loud, and the bright smile afterwards didn't help anyone either.
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to offend you,"
jungkook said, moving slowly off of the gigantic bed in his room forever laced with pretty boy's calming peppermint scent,
"i just didn't know your name.
again i'm really sorry."
"i've been called worse.
i probably shouldn't tell you this, but you seem to have helped me so i suppose i should.
oh god i'm rambling.
anyways, the name is kim seokjin, pleasure to make your acquaintance."
jin held out his hand to shake it, but for some strange reason jungkook's brain did not comprehend that and he instead believed seokjin was asking for help off the bed.
grasping hands, jungkook pulled the beautiful man deemed seokjin, a perfect name for a perfect man he couldn't help to think, swiftly from the bed and startlingly into his arms.
taking even jungkook by suprise, he stumbled backwards, accidently tripping over seokjin's sweater that he had previously discarded, the ending position embarrassing on several levels.
jungkook landing on his back with his arms on the tiny waist so many women desired while seokjin, who was unexpectedly taken down as well, straddled exactly what you think he did for the split second he remained on the floor before he bounced up, too embarrassed to process what happened.
head facing away but hand reaching down, seokjin and jungkook linked hands for what seemed to be the fiftieth time just that day as jin helped him up.
awkwardly trying to break the tension when they stood up, all that was heard was,
"maybe a shirt first?"

its not much but my other story is pissing me off so hopefully this one will upload
if it does i wanna tell y'all that today was the funnest track meet ever and everyone did so well i ran 13.70 for my 100 which is a major PR and we won the meet by hella points
anyways love y'all sugar plums and i missed u guys + hello to all my new readers who have been reading, voting, or adding this story to their list. i appreciate you!!<3<<3<3<3<3<3<3
_ImPurple this one is for you my butterfly💞💞

chasity v. lustOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora