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jung hoseok couldn't remember the exact day he had met jeon jungkook, but he could write an essays worth on what went down that fated day.
they both attended the same college, one very selective about who gets chosen, only choosing the elites; either incredibly intelligent or extremely rich.
hoseok fit on one side of the spectrum; the extremely rich, while jungkook happened to be lost somewhere in the middle but definitely lingering around the intelligence side.
even if they happened to have the same major scheduled at the same time as one another, and even if they knew of each other, they never really became acquainted until one day.
it occured during the second semester of hoseok's third year of college, on a direct path to get a master's degree in buisness, when he was first approached by a muscular man with a stoic face, whose raven hair fell perfectly over his onyx eyes.
being at least six centimeters shorter then the man at the time, hoseok felt intimidated by the male as he raked his eyes up and down in an attempt to figure out why he could possibly be confronted by his classmate.
silence settled, hoseok gripping his orange duffel bag he used to practice for his minor, which happened to be dance, and tried to excuse himself from the strange encounter before an unexpected grip found itself grasping his tan wrist.
"you have a really nice face."
hoseok didn't mean to, but he couldn't help but to burst out into a beautiful fit of laughter, suprising both jungkook and himself.
jungkook held his head up, not accepting rejection until he hears an actual 'no' slip from the pretty mans lips.
jungkook always had a thing for pretty people, and sure enough jung hoseok was one of those people.
it's indisputable that when you see hoseok, one of the first things many think is pretty.
he's got the charming heart shaped smile that filled everyone's hearts who happen to be in close proximity, and the humorous tone he uses when he first meets people in order to make them comfortable around him.
clutching his stomach as he calmed down from laughter, jung hoseok cocked his head to stare at his classmate who's name he's only heard once or twice, uttered out a serious,
"why me?"
where jungkook straightforwardly stated,
"you're pretty, and i like pretty things.
can i take you on a date?"
how in the world could hoseok reject such a proposal?
he couldn't find a way, and honestly he didn't want to, so he accepted and then it started.
they hit it off miraculously, the first date that ensued on that same day still being one of hoseok's best to date.
but there is no such thing as a perfect relationship, so after a year of dating and four months of getting on each other's last nerves with even the simplest of occurrences, they called it off and hoped to remain friends.
they ended up being better friends than they were lovers, looking back at the thought of them dating now and laughing.
even though they split, they continued to support each other, jungkook celebrating relentlessly for his elder ex, who had plans to open up a lounge and start his own buisness, once he got out of college and left jungkook alone for a year before he too started up his own buisness.
it was such an arbitrary journey, nevertheless both being thankful to have met, as if not, then who would be taking care of the man in jungkook's arms right now.
after jungkook's snide comment, the panic hoseok felt rapidly turned into a deep resolve to help the man who lie asleep in the arms of his ex.
he knew they should probably call an ambulance, yet both males had the feeling that the dancer wouldn't agree with spending his money on that, hoseok especially hearing the detest to hoseok from seokjin whenever he offered to pay for something.
jungkook and hoseok could both tell that the boy would shrug off his issues when he awoke, deciding on sending him home safely with jungkook until he woke up.
jungkook felt ashamed that he felt happy the pretty boy was going to be under his watchful eye at his luxurious apartment, but was also irrationally nervous about how to react when the male he mentally marked all over with caution signs that read 'the forbidden fruit' being offered a little vacation, or the fact that jungkook was the one who suggested that he get one in the first place.
hoseok knew his workers were worried, seokjin being a close friend to every one in the lounge, but he refused to focus on the questions they were throwing him just yet, as he led jungkook to the back door of the alley seokjin had fainted in several minutes ago.
they bound for jungkook's car quickly, able to spot the black maserati the instant they exited, only stopping once to pick up the bag that must have slipped out his shoulders when he fell, and shove it in the back of the spacious trunk.
they gently laid seokjin's body across the leather clad back seats, closing the door as quietly as could be in hopes to not wake him. hoseok watched as jungkook looked fondly at the boy in his back seat through the passenger window on the sidewalk, starting up the car, yet not driving away just yet.
jungkook felt like this situation shouldn't be playing out in such a way, so he turned to hoseok, forcefully retracting his eyes from the stripper to make sure this is the last resort.
"does the boy have any parents i can call?
a roommate who's waiting for him or anything?"
"i'm sorry jungkookie, i wish he did, but he's told me before that he's an orphan, and he's practically isolated from everyone at school for the actions of his parents."
frustratingly, hoseok almost slammed his hand down on the car, but stopped himself once he noticed how white the knuckles on jungkook's long stubby hands were turning as they harshly gripped the steering wheel.
through clenched teeth, jungkook exhaled a very deep, sorrowful breath, letting hoseok know he will call him once his favorite dancer wakes up, before pulling out from the curb he was parallel parked on and driving away.
hoseok's head remained held down as he walked back inside, sulking the entire way to his office, questioning what the young male with the overwhelming potential could possibly need so much money that he worked himself to the brink of collapse.
on the other hand, jeon jungkook was cursing every god in the sky for his forgetfulness about asking hoseok for the name of the gorgeous boy in his back seat, whose hands were held close to his chest as he curled into himself and whimpered in his state of rejuvenating rest.
not long after did they reach the vast but comfortable looking apartment with plain monotone gray paint coating the walls, and plenty of comfortable furniture for jungkook to place the boy down on, instead deeming all unworthy and settling for placing the boy down on his own king sized bed.
he became flustered when he tried putting the boy down, but was met with an unforgiving grip around his neck that jin subconsciously held, running away to get himself ready for sleep the second he was released.
teeth brushed and face washed, jungkook found his mind in an internal debate as to whether or not he should remove some of the fainted males clothes, seeing as how his forehead was slightly tainted by sweat, and the overall pervert side with his hidden desire to take a bite of the forbidden fruit decided on doing it, but his logical and respectful side limited him to only removing the man's sweatshirt and nothing else.
it left nothing to the imagination when jungkook pulled the shirt up over his head and uncooperative arms, pretty boy shockingly bare under it.
there was no doubt that jungkook wouldn't have spent some extra time admiring such a beautifully sculpted body, along with some of the pinkest and prettiest nipples he'd ever seen, if only aphrodite herself reincarnated didn't let out a string of whines from his pink shaded lips.
when jungkook slipped into his bed and pulled the man from the waist directly to where the mans back was hitting his toned chest, he couldn't help but admire how everything about this boy seemed to be pink, and pretty, and the seconds after the stripper he had an unhealthy attachment to interlaced their fingers together that lie on his waist, jungkook couldn't resist breaking out into a major grin before the steady breaths of both men filled the relatively bare room.
oh how jeon jungkook loved pretty things.
kim seokjin, or pretty boy for now, the prettiest thing he thinks he'll ever see in his lifetime, hopefully for a lifetime.

hahahah 1.5k words for you lovelies!
i don't want to, but im going to take a mini break (i'll try to update but i also have tons of hw every day)  from this book so i can work on finishing my other book which only has about 4 chapters left so i hope you can forgive me.
still you all are so inspiring, motivating, and encouraging, and make me beyond happy.
please be safe, be smiling, and know that you're loved if not by anyone else then very much from me (:
luv lex luther who didn't do her chem hw because she doesn't get it and she chose to rewatch haikyuu bc she loves kageyama and would die for him :P <3

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