A Casual Morning

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Warm rays of light shined through the trees of Numberdale, creating a golden glow on the town. Leaves began growing, while flowers bloomed. Spring had just rolled around, which led to more productivity for most. Most of the numbers living there bustled about their daily lives, buying items, or going to work. Mondays had this the most, but not every number was out and about.


The alarm clock was smacked silent by a light blue hand. Four crawled sleepily out of bed, his body being dragged by his lack of sleep. He made his way to the window. He peeked though the blinds, the light making him hiss in pain. His blanket was being held on his shoulders, its lime green color somewhat brightening the room.

Four glanced at all the numbers on the street. All the numbers he had seen before at some point in his life. He even saw some of his classmates walking to school.

Ugh, school.

That was the thing that the sapphire blue number hated the more than anything, and he hates a ton of things. Throughout his life, school has been a train wreak for him. Despite being incredibly smart for his age, he was always pestered by his classmates and his teachers. At least its his last year.

He never liked school, not after the accident at least.

He hated thinking about it.

Four turned to his desk, glancing at his alarm clock. It let of a nice light, reading 6:30.

I still have time.

With a powerful stomp of his foot, Four flew back onto his bed. Items on the floor jumped off the carpet, and quickly landing on the floor again. Once he plopped on his bed, the blanket lightly fell on him.

Knock. Knock.

"Four? Are you awake?"

A female voice echoed in the room, while the door creaked open. The young number walked in the room, creating creaking noises with every step. "Your room is so dark, you need light," she stated. She then proceeded to yank the blinds up with a strong tug. "This should help you," she remarked teasingly.

The room was filed with bright golden rays. The air felt warmer, and the interior of the room began to glow. The light blue walls shone brightly, while the brown furniture balanced the brightness. The carpet was a calm beige color, with a dark blue carpet in the center. Four's desk was also littered in papers. Some where school material, but most were drawings.

Two looked around at the bright room and gave a prideful smile. On the other hand, the light hurt Four's eyes, causing him to give a quiet growl.

"Go away, Two," Four hissed. 

"C'mon, bro, please get up," Two groaned, having some slight irritation in her voice, "We have to go to school, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah, let me sleep. Stop bothering me, I won't be late."

"Do you really want Mom to come up here?" Two questioned, "I heard she got some new syringes yesterday." Two laughed a little, trying to make what she said sound innocent.

Four shot up from his bed, starring the light pink number down. Two looked back at him, smiling nervously. The sudden movement caused her to jump back a little bit.

"YOU WOULDN'T DARE." Four growled, his eyes beginning to spiral black and white.

Two's eyes widened, her nervous smile widening even more. She stared into his spiraling eyes. The look of them sent a chill down her spine, as if they were unnatural, though she was used to them. "Bro, I was joking, I wouldn't do that," she said, mixing in a few worried laughs, "Please don't kill me."

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