Disappointing Diamonds are the Rarest of Them All

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Sorry, I've got homework

That didn't feel urgent enough.

Sorry, I've got homework and I'm sick

Too many reasons.

I'm sick :(


He sent the text and decided he could think about his homework from his bed. He lay down and watched the setting sun reflect off of his desk lamp. The reflected light and the light on the floor gradually moved across his room. He should do this more often. He never gave himself this time to unwind and just reflect. Maybe Legosi could help with the strange numbers. Would he know Calculus? Predators didn't have a special Calc class he didn't know about, right?


Louis picked up his phone to ask Legosi about the class he had taken. The wolf had messaged him an hour ago. Something about soup. The words were hard to read. He began to type his question when a new message popped up.

Can you let me up?

He put his phone down. It would be nice to see Legosi but he didn't like the idea of getting up. His squishy cheek melted a little more into his pillow. His body felt heavier. Every breath relaxed him more.

He kicked his leg out and sat up. Flecks of light shot across his vision. He tried to follow them with his eyes but they alluded him. Frustrated, he got up and grabbed his keys and student ID. The door felt heavier than it normally did. He slipped out before it could crush him. He couldn't help but wonder about the other students in the hall. They had no idea what he was doing. They didn't know who he was bringing up. Louis smiled. Legosi was just for him.

He took the elevator down to the lobby. There he saw the wolf standing by the front desk. Louis wondered if he had made friends with the guard, he was frustratingly good at that. He waved at Legosi, grinning. He waved back, looking slightly confused.

"He'll be coming up with me." Louis handed the tiger his ID. The guard handed it back to him with a clipboard to sign. He signed it, once he remembered what his signature looked like. He propped his head on his hand while Legosi signed. Was he being too casual? Louis put his hand down only to put it back up again to rest his heavy head. The guard and Legosi watched as he decided what to do with his arm.

"Ok, everything looks good."

Legosi followed Louis to the elevator. They sat in silence as the numbers climbed. He noticed the styrofoam cup the wolf was holding. Louis looked up at Legosi. The wolf kept looking forward. Louis' head began to grow heavy and his head rolled back before snapping back into place. The students in the hallway were gone. Louis unlocked his door and pushed it open with Legosi's assistance. As soon as it closed, Legosi spoke.

"What medication are you on?"

"How did you know?"

"I can smell it."

Louis stared at Legosi with suspicion. Why couldn't he have that good of a nose? Predators got all of the strengths.

"I brought you some soup." Legosi said, handing Louis the styrofoam cup and pulling a plastic spoon from his pocket.

Louis took it and sat down on his bed and opened it up. It didn't smell that great. It was most likely cheap soup from a deli. He spooned some and slurped it up. It wasn't good. He slurped some more. It really wasn't good. It tasted like someone had dumped an entire bag of salt into it and the vegetables were under cooked. Overall it felt like no effort had been put into it.

Just Dumb Enough to Tryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن