"Is that right?"

"I'm a man of my word if not anything else."

"A man that beats on his wife and children."

"Do you accept or not, Toya?"

Toya looked to his siblings while he considered his options. Fuyumi may have been the eldest but she was definitely weaker than him, and Natsuo was by far the weakest out of both of them. If he could just get that one hit in then this would all be over and maybe they could finally live a regular life...well, their version of regular. The choice was simple.

"Hell yeah."

"Then show me what you've got brat, unleash your full power!!"

Endeavor's body engulfed itself in fire as the large man charged his son who only had the time to cover both his arms in smaller flames. He knew that he had to use his full power to even stand a smidge of a chance against his dad, but in truth he was fearful of his quirk. It wasn't fire itself that he feared, but it was what it could do to things and people. The reality of it was, his fire burned a lot hotter and brighter than his father's.

Toya blocked his father's incoming fist with his arms and howled in pain as the flames burned his unguarded skin, but still he would not be deterred from his prize. He would land the hit and take a bit of his father's pride with it.

"Come on, if this is all you have then you'll never beat me, Toya!!"

"Just keep talkin Fire Crotch, I'll shut you up once and for all!!"

With nothing holding him back, Toya's quirk manifested itself at full power in the form of giant azure flames. But the flames were out of control and damaging the surrounding area more than Endeavor's. The number two hero watched as Toya's flames continued to grow in size and power while Fuyumi shielded Natsuo with her own body. If this kept on then there would nothing left except ashes, and that just wasn't an option.

Endeavor thrust his fist directly into Toya's gut with enough force to knock him out of consciousness. His hit the ground with a hard thud but still the flames raged until finally his wife came in and extinguished them with her quirk.

"What happened?!"

"Doesn't matter, it's over now. And what are you doing here anyway, I told you not to bother us when we're in here."

"I came because my children and husband were in danger!! What did you do to Toya?!"

"The brat's quirk is unstable so I did the only reasonable thing and punched his lights out. There was no other way."

"You're sick."

"And you don't need to be here, especially in your current condition."

"As if you've ever cared about me or Shouto."

"Whatever, I'm leaving."

Dear old Endeavor never trained with him again, nor did he see him after he decided to dip out of the family and strike out on his own as a villain. He'd met Toga shortly after that and operated as his partner. Come to think of it, she was the closest thing he had to family but even she was gone now too. Just goes to show that the life of a villain was lonely one, but that was something he was used to so whatever. For now he would just sit back and chillax until it was time for Shigaraki to make his moves. Yup, nothing to do but chill.

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