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Let's be real, we all knew that this day would be coming. Although I never thought that it would end this way. I had ten extra chapters planned to wrap this story up and now I can only muster the brain power to give you these upcoming two.

If you want to adopt the story then message me and I will make the announcement for who will take it over. As you can see it has over 20K views so it'll most likely bring you some happiness while it only brings more hurt and pain.

You see this story was dedicated to a former girlfriend/friend whom I'd been fond of for many many years. We'd been friends for over four years and we assumed that we would be an unstoppable couple, but as you can see that is just not the case.

When we began dating she changed drastically and began demanding things of me that weren't unreasonable but the way she went about it was absolutely crazy. For example she asked me never to hit her, yell at her, or cheat on her but she hit me in the face numerous times, called me out my name to MY friends on several occasions, and kept in contact with a former crush even though she knew how I felt about the matter.

I stuck by her through all of that even though I was feeling some type of way because I had love for her. That's when I first stopped talking to her for about a week because she got jealous of me having a female friend. She threw a huge fit and made it seemed like I'd stuck my whole **** through the screen and ****** this girl in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. Whatever.

We worked through that, then she got mad because I became friends again with an ex boyfriend whom I thought the world of. She hated his guts and then began to like him after awhile and from what I've heard they're very  fond of one another these days. Again, whatever.

I was mourning the death of another ex boyfriend who tragically took his own life a few years back, and she got angry and told me that it was my problem and that it was stupid to still be crying over him because he'd been dead for years now. I know, it's fucked.

She asked me to cut off all my main friends because they didn't like her but wouldn't cut off the one friend in her group that wanted to fight me. Fucked.

Oh and here's the best part, in March I left our friend group chat because of some personal issues. Basically there's been exactly six deaths in my life since the start of 2019 and it has FUCKED me up which is why I haven't really been here as much as I want to.

I'm normally the loudmouth, smart Aleck, badass of my group so when I'm quiet and solemn then you clearly know that somethings wrong. None. Of. Them. Cared. She didn't check on me, she didn't think about me, she just moved on like the rest of them and went about with the people I introduced her to and shit talked me for saying that I needed to leave and get myself together.


I'm a man of my word and I had promised to take her to the premiere of Captain Marvel the same weekend I said I was going to leave. I called her.

"What do YOU want?"

"I was just calling to see if we were still on for Captain Marvel this weekend."

"Why wouldn't we be?"

"...You got something you want to say?"

"There's nothing to say, it won't change anything so..."

"Okay, so what time do you wanna get there?"

"You figure it out."

"I always do."

"Oh well."

"Well depending on the time we go,  I can take you to the movie but I might not be able to go to dinner with you."

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