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Good evening, as many of you may know we are all suffering through a crisis worldwide that has inhibited our everyday lives (not really mine since I'm a complete introvert, but this isn't about me).

As a writer who adores his fans and all who've come to enjoy my works (for whatever reason), I just wanted to take the time out of my day to let you all know to stay safe and try not to worry about that bitch "Rona".

Stressing yourselves out can lead to great health risks that'll put you in the hospital faster than this virus ever could, so it's important to remember to remain calm whilst also complying with the all the rules set in place. I for one hate these masks but hey, not really tryna die (from a virus, Dabi is more than welcome to incinerate my ass any day 😍🔥😫💦💀) just yet.

That aside, I also have some news that may be a good idea or not idk, but I feel like revitalizing this story nowadays. I get notifs for it everyday and the constant votes and comments have made me want to finish it but with a few alterations that will definitely make it better than what it was before.

Before I was a lovestruck fool who ended up writing himself into a corner so that I could please someone who only wanted to hurt me and continues to try to do it to this day. But she's a sad, lonely, and miserable €@#$ and I refuse to let her put me back into that depressive state that I was in for so long. So she can have my now ex-boyfriend whom she managed to steal from me all because I wouldn't give him what he wanted.

M-Rated Content

Okay I just gotta be real with y'all, the only reason he left me for her is because I didn't want to be with him sexually, I may be in my twenties but I'm still a virgin and I feel like I only want to give myself to someone that I truly love, and I feel like it's unfair for someone to try and pressure me into doing something I wasn't ready to do. So if they want to be together because of a mutual misplaced hatred for me then that's fine, but I'm not apologizing for having standards. Point. Blank. Periodt. Snap. Crackle. And guess what bitches? POP! 🚮

So here's where she just popped up out of NOWHERE on that bullshit, basically lying and saying that my sister was talking shit about me with her. For personal/private reasons I will not be showing the full convo because of some personal details pertaining to some other people, but I will be explaining what happened to make it lead up to all of this.

I do not apologize for what I said because she's always been disrespectful towards me and I'm the type of person to give it right back. You don't respect me and want to come out of nowhere and scream and holler at me for nothing then guess what? Keep that same energy when I deal it right back~

This woman has lied about rape and abuse and even tried to turn my friends against me by saying that I beat her up when in reality she wanted me to have "relations" with her and I refused because we were no longer dating and trying to be friends. But that just wasn't enough for her. Not to mention she tried to isolate me from everyone so it could just be us all the time.

I got off of discord so that's why my name is "null" since I didn't want to be ANYONE at the time of this

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I got off of discord so that's why my name is "null" since I didn't want to be ANYONE at the time of this. But basically my sister made a chat between myself and my other ex, the male who got with the girl. Now for a bit of backstory~ When we broke up and decided to be just friends, he BEGGED me to remain friends with him because he didn't want to lose me, and I reluctantly agreed only to find myself blocked and shit talked on twitter. Secrets were revealed and some really nasty/hurtful things were said so I had my sis get his ass on discord so we could have it out.

I'm black, before you guys say anything

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I'm black, before you guys say anything. There was no racism involved lol.

I don't know who that is

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I don't know who that is. The man that I was growing to love would NEVER speak to me/on me/about me like that. Ever. The proof is in the twitter screenshots which I will not be revealing because again, personal info, but you get the idea. The man who was supposed to love me and vice versa talked all this dirt about me with a woman who literally hates me for trying to retain a sense of individuality while I was with her. She has a WHOLE girlfriend now and still talks about how much she's in love with me and wants to be with me on a private twitter. But I'm in the wrong right? And to think this story was made...FOR HER!! But that's okay because we're gonna move on, cuz I refuse to let either of them steal my joy or ruin anything for me ever again. So screw them, we won't be giving them anymore of our time today or ever again.

So what are your thoughts? Should I continue this story or not? Let me know in the comments sections below. CIAO MY LOVELIES, AND REMEMBER TO STAY SAAAAAAFE!!!

- Cerin~

Adventures In Deku-SittingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora