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Tomura groaned as his alarm clock went off, why the hell had he set the thing for so damn early? A small whimper reminded him of why. He sat up and turned it off before turning on the little lamp on his nightstand. Directly next to him was a sleeping Izuku who was whimpering because of the loss of warmth that was Tomura's body.

Kota had told Izuku that he wanted to bring him to school with him for show and tell. So after tons of begging and crying, Tomura finally gave in and agreed to it on the condition that Toga tag along and stay with the class all day. The teenage girl hated the idea but agreed to it anyway thanks to the small boy's puppy dog eyes. She literally called them "True Evil". That night he tried to get him to go to bed early but he just wasn't having it so Tomura let him stay up for as long as he wanted knowing damn well that there would be a battle in the morning. Now he had to deal with a sleepy child who was definitely NOT a morning person.

"Midoriya, come on it's time to wake up."


"Don't whine, I told you to go to bed last night but you didn't listen. Now get. Up."

"No!! Wanna sleep!!"

Tomura wasn't the type to deal with disrespect of any kind, especially from the brat that he'd been destined to kill. He gave him a light swat on his rear and pulled all the covers off the bed before he turned on the main light in the room.

"Get up. Now."

Izuku whined but slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep and tears out of his eyes.

"Next time go to bed when I tell you to and we won't have this problem."

"Yes Papa..."

He tensed.

"What did you call me?"

"I-I meant Tomu. Sorry..."

"Listen to me very clearly, I. Am Not. Your Father. Understand?"

"Y-Yes sir!"

He sighed when the boy started shivering and cowering away from him, he hadn't meant to scare him like that.

"Look just go to the kitchen."


Once the boy was gone he began fixing up the bed and prepared for the before heading out towards the kitchen where his three younglings were waiting to be fed. Toga was still in her pajamas with her hair sticking up in all directions, while Dabi had sloppily gotten dressed and currently had his face glued to the table. Izuku sat in between with a somber look on his face that told Tomura that the boy wasn't really there or paying attention.

He fixed a large breakfast that they all dug into and finished in minutes since they had things to do today. Dabi took Izuku to get ready for the day while Tomura instructed Toga on what and what not to do around the children.

Once he was ready Tomura walked out the door with Izuku not too far behind, in complete silence since both had a lot on their minds. Today he and Dabi would be tracking down Jikan to make him undo what he'd done to Izuku. Well that wasn't true either, they would have him stop the age regression but they would keep him exactly where he was. But the others didn't need to know about that. Izuku was stressing out because he'd never been away from his new home without Tomura before. Toga and Dabi were okay and all but when it came to taking him out and taking care of him, it was all Tomura. Now he had to spend the day without him with a bunch of people he didn't know, Kota, and Toga. Yeah, he was scared about that.

But that wasn't the only thing that was bothering him, the other thing was the mistake he'd made that morning. He hadn't meant to do it but he was tired and honestly, Tomura acted more like a father than his real dad. He wasn't an idiot, sure his mother had told him that his dad was always away on business and that he'd come back, but he knew that that was something she was just telling him to make sure he felt loved instead of abandoned. Why couldn't Tomura just be his father? He took care of him on a daily basis and saw to every one of his needs, and that's what a dad did. But he wasn't his dad, and more importantly he didn't want to be his dad. And that's what hurt.

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