Said male chuckled. "Geez Virge, sorry for the rude awakening. What's the matter? You must have been having one hell of a dream."

Virgil looked around to find the classroom empty except for the teacher who was at her desk, ignoring the two of them as she graded papers. He came to the realization that the bell had already rang and started to gather his stuff together quickly. "What are you doing here? You aren't in this class." He sounded a bit more rude than he intended.

Roman scoffed a little, adjusting his bag on his shoulder, and tried to ignore the other's attitude. "I was looking for you and saw you through the door while passing by and decided to wake you up. You're welcome."

Virgil had gotten everything into his bag and slung it over his shoulder, hopping out of his chair and pushing it in. "Why were you looking for me?"

"I wanted to ask you to get coffee after school to celebrate doing so well in the play." Roman responded as they started walking toward the exit of the classroom.

"Why?" Virgil asked. "Aren't we all getting together tomorrow to watch the recording of it?"

"Yes, But I wanted something a bit more special. Come on?" Roman asked. "I'll pay, and give you a ride."

"I guess if I don't end up having anything better to do later I'll let you know." Virgil stated coldly.

Roman let out a laugh, stepping in front of Virgil and blocking him form leaving the classroom by suddenly placing his arm across the doorway, and standing in front of him.

Virgil stopped, feeling his heart speed up considerably at their closeness. He suddenly thought back to kissing him, and let his gaze fall to the floor.

"Must you be so stubborn all the time?" Roman was smirking down at him, lowering his voice to just above a whisper. "I'll meet you in front of the theater after the last bell okay?" Virgil didn't respond so he moved his head even closer, causing the shorter to shrink down a bit more. He tried to look at his face, but Virgil was keeping it hidden down. He felt his smirk grow fading away from being simply for the means of teasing. "Okay?" He asked a bit sterner this time.

Virgil's grip on his bag tightened slightly, he could hear his heartbeat in his head now and the warmth from his cheek now reached all the way up to the tips of his ears. "Mhm..." he responded nodding his head up and down slightly.

"Good." Roman smiled proudly.

"Boys, get to class now. Don't linger in my doorway." The teacher finally acknowledged them.

"Sorry mam." Roman apologized before looking back to Virgil once more, slowly removing his arm from the door and walking away.

Virgil watched him leave before taking a deep breath. He tried not to think about it too much as he rushed to get to his next class.


"Do you require a ride again since presently there are no longer play practices being held?" Logan asked Virgil as they were at their lockers after the last class of the day.

"Um, don't you ride with Patton now?" Virgil replied. "I don't want to interrupt your time with your boyfriend."

"It isn't a problem to drop you off before." Logan responded. "I know how much riding a crowded bus can affect your condition in a negative status, Patton wouldn't mind."

"Thanks, but actually today I'm okay. I have a ride." Virgil explained.

"With whom?" Logan asked seeming curious.

"Um... Roman asked me to get coffee with him." Virgil replied causing Logan to raise a brow at him. He sighed. "To celebrate the play going well, nothing more."

By No Logical Reason ( logicality school AU )Where stories live. Discover now