Chapter 17

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I woke up next to the love of my life. "Good morning." He hugged me and placed a little kiss on my forehead. "Let's get up, Bozer has probably cooked some pancakes." And he was right. Bozer cooked his legendary pancakes and I ate almost ten of them. I phoned with Tyler and told him that I am fine and finally home in LA. Mac and Bozer went to Phoenix, but I got grounded by Matty. She thought that I wasn't ready for a new mission. I took a bath, read a book and watched my favorite movie. I was really bored, but in the evening Riley came over and we cooked spaghetti together. "So, tell me more about your relationship with Mac." She went to the kitchen to wash the dishes and I helped her. "Our relationship is the best thing what ever happened to me. I just love him."
The rest of the evening we spent with watching movies, talking about girls stuff and eating chips on Mac's sofa.

"Lucy? Wake up." Riley woke me up the next morning. "Something happened?" I asked her, because her face was really serious. She nodded and we drove without another word to the Phoenix HQ. Matty stood in the war room: "Mac's cover is blown. He is in a prison in Siberia right now." My dear Mac. "Jack is hiding in Moscow right now and his plane is up in 30. He flies back to LA and won't come back to Russia in the next few months. Now I need my best operatives to help Mac. Otherwise he would probably have to spend the rest of his days there." I was completely devastated. Why him? Why is it always him? Without responding anything to Matty I waited at the airport for Riley. We got in the plane and a few hours later we landed in Russia. It was very cold, freezing. Hopefully Mac isn't outside. We took a bus to the city with the prison. Riley hacked the security cams and got access to all the files. "Angus MacGyver... Arrested for operating on foreign soil... cellular confinement... permission for torture..." Riley mumbled while she searched in his file. I need to get him out of this. The life in there must be like hell. We booked a hotel room and tried to find weaknesses in the security system, but we found nothing. Days have passed by and we had no idea how to get him out of there.

Mac's point of view

They found me. All I could do was running, but suddenly I felt electricity in my body. A taser. I fell on the ground and everything went black.

I woke up in a tiny cell, I wore an orange suit and no shoes. My arms and legs were tied on a metal chair. I had no way to move. Suddenly the door flew open and some officers came in. They yelled at me in Russian, then they left me alone. There was a high sound, it hurt in my head. It lasted for an eternity and I thought that my head is going to explode. Then the officers came in again, this time they splashed a lot of water over my head. They repeated this for hours and hours. It was freezing cold. They went out again. I had no idea how much time has flown by, but I was totally dehydrated. Other officers came in, they brought me food and water. My left arm got free, so I could eat. My stomach reacted pleased to the food and the water, but it wasn't enough to still my hunger. After I ate up, they shocked me with the taser, cut my chains and carried me outside. It was freezing cold and I had to stand in the snow, which was knee deep. Then they threw me into it and I felt nothing anymore. After a while I was allowed to go back in. I couldn't feel the officers grabbing my arms, I couldn't even feel my feet lurching on the floor. Suddenly I got a hard hit on the back of my head and I fell on the floor in my cell.

Hey guys!!!

I hope you enjoyed this one. It's pretty short, but please don't forget to vote if you liked it!

Sophie Greater

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