Chapter 11

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In the middle of the night Mac woke me up with a lovely kiss. "Are you ok?" I asked him. He just smiled at me and told me that I should dress, he will wait in the lobby. I put on a t-shirt, a jeans and of course my loved sneakers from Nike. I headed down the lobby and I spottet Mac. He wore his leather jacket, a blue shirt and a jeans. "May I take you out tonight?" He asked me. We walked outside and through Berlin's night life. He led me to a little hidden park and covered my eyes with his warm hands. "Don't look, ok?" I closed my eyes and after a while he placed a kiss on my forehead. "You can open your eyes again." I slowly opened them and looked at Mac's surprise. He prepared a little Picknick for us. It looked so beautiful with the candles and the German food. "What do you think?" he asked me. "Mac, this is... It is... just amazing. Thank you so much!" I leaned over to him and we started eating. Suddenly I felt something over my mouth. It felt like a tissue with a sharp liquid on it. I tried not to breathe, but when I got a punch into my gut, I inhaled. Mac went unconscious besides me, and after a few seconds I followed him.

I woke up next to Mac. We were tied up and laid on our stomachs, facing the ground. "Mac? Are you awake?" I asked him. No response. I robbed over to him and tried to wake him up. Again no response. He is still out. "She woke up." I heard a voice besides me. Someone kicked me in my back. I couldn't breathe for a moment and this someone pulled me up and tied me onto a chair. I knew his face, but I couldn't remember when I saw him. "It's always a pleasure to meet old friends." Now I remembered why I know him. It's John Morningstar, the man who tried to kill me and my family, the man who attacked Phoenix. "What do you want from me?" I asked him. He let out a little laugh and answered: "What I want from you? Just a few answers until I can finally put you into the ground. The rest of your family was easier to kill than you. You are smart and tough." He killed my dad, my mom and Skye, my sister? Please tell me that this is just a normal nightmare. But it was real and I knew it. "So first: For which Organisation do you work for?" I shook my head and he punched me in my abdomen. It hurt like hell, but not as bad as Murdoc's torture. "Not that chatty, huh? I know your name already, but who is this amazing young man here? Your partner?" I stayed quiet. "Your boyfriend?" I tried to put on a poker face, but he saw my expression. "So that's your boyfriend? And your partner, otherwise he wouldn't be here." He found my weak spot. He could torture me how he wanted to, but if he hurt Mac, or worse, I would do everything to stop him. He kicked Mac also in the back and Mac woke up, coughing. "Luce? Are you here?" He lifted his head up and got a punch into his beautiful face. I gasped as I saw his bleeding nose. Why him? Mac got pulled into another chair and John punched him again. His blue eyes wandered through the room until he saw me. "So, do you want to tell me now everything about you two, Lucifer?" He was the only one who called me Lucifer. Until now this was his lovely nickname for me. "Or should I punch your boyfriend again?" He asked and his hand touched again Mac's face, this time harder then before. I could see a object in his hand and after Mac looked at me again, I could see that this was a knuckle-duster. His cheek was bleeding now and his eyes were tightened. "I will tell you everything, but please let him go." He laughed again and slapped Mac's other cheek. Now his face was almost completely covered with his own blood. "I won't hurt him anymore, but he will stay here until I am done with you." he spoke to me in a caring tone. What an asshole. He walked out of the room, not without pushing Mac's chair hard, so that he fell with it onto the ground. I had to do something and reared, but he tied me too firmly on the chair.

Authors note:
Hey guys!!!

I'm so excited, I signed up to an online writing class! Hopefully I'll improve my writing skills.
I hope you liked this chapter and if you don't, please let me know.

Sophie Greater

Improvise or die - A MacGyver FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now