Strawberries and chocolates

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"The best and beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched , they must be felt with the heart."


"Looking for Chocolate dipped strawberries? " a very familiar voice says from behind me. I turn my head to see Ramsey leaning on the table casually, looking ahead of him.

"How did you know I was looking for them?" I ask, completely confused.

"Well, it was just a lucky guess. Here it is." He says pointing to a big platter where these mouth watering chocolate dipped strawberries were placed.

I fill my plate with them and begin enjoying them. They always help me to calm down. I mean chocolate and strawberry is a perfect combination. Thank you chefs for making these delicious treats.

"You look cute while eating." Ramsey mumbles.

"Excuse me?" I ask in astonishment, raising my eyebrows.

"Uh.. I said you look like a chipmunk while eating?" he says or rather questions.

"So you're saying I eat like a wild animal?"

"No, that's not what I meant. I swear", he says straightening himself.

Before he can says anything else, I am reminded of what conversation I just listened to and that made my rage to come back.

"Wait, I have a question. When I asked you if you tried talking your father to cancel this marriage,  you said you did ask him. But why Anne says that you didn't even object to it. You lied to me, didn't you", I ask clenching my jaws.

"Uh.. no... no, I did talk to him. We had a very heated discussion over it and Anne knows nothing about it. We usually don't talk about these matters infront of her. She has a very big mouth and spreads it like wildfire?" he says again in a questioning tone.

I glare at him for a while but then I spare him and go back to filling my mouth with all those sweets.

He snorts. "What are you? Twelve years old?" He laughs.

"Sweets aren't just for kids okay. Anyone can eat them whenever they like. So don't judge me", I eat again after making a point.

"Fair enough."

A sudden thought clicked in my mind and without thinking, I blurt it out," Prince Ramsey, your sister was telling us all that you found this girl and you liked her here in our Kingdom. Can I know the reason why you left her and her name?"

He looks taken aback, "Anne told you that? I swear she can't keep even one secret without blurting it all out."

"Don't change the topic and tell me already."

"Why do you even want to know about her? Wait, are you jealous? " he laughs very loudly this time.

"No, I am not. Why would I be jealous? I am one hundred sure that I am way more gorgeous than she is", I say hiding my face because of the burning sensation in my cheeks.

"Yeah, whatever. "

"So are you going to tell me or not?"

"Let me see. Umm.... Nope."


"Nope." He repeats teasingly. 

This makes me even more furious than I was before. "Fine. Don't tell me. It's not like she's going to be there after our marriage." I say and stomp away.

What's with everyone giving me a headache today. I swear I am going to strangle someone to death.

What if I kill Ramsey? Nah, that's too much of a risk. I don't want to end up in a dirty jail cell just because of him.

Hey yo!

What if I kill my brain cells for not producing long chapters?

Okay quick question. Do you love chocolate and strawberries?  I think they were made for each other.

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