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"Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars."



"Your highness, wake up already. It's 8 in the morning. You must get ready", the Grand maid says pulling the curtains open and letting the morning light fill the bed chambers, partly blinding me.

"It's not like I'm going to be late for something. Let me rest for a bit more please", I reply in a sleepy voice, tossing my body to shield my eyes from the intense sunlight.

"Okay I will but do you want the Queen to visit you while you're still in bed and reprimand you? I mean she was up and checking on everything, " the Grand maid asks, crossing her arms already feeling triumph.

Hearing this, my body jolted immediately and I ran to the wash chambers without wasting another second. Getting scolded by mother first thing in the morning was not something I ever wanted. She gives paperworks as punishment along with scolding and believe me when I say that those stacks of paperwork can make you go mad.

The maid helped me change and get ready and then I sat at my vanity. The maids assigned to do my hair and makeup began to do their work.

Today I wore a sky blue gown with some embellishments on the top half and matched them with white high heels.

"Ouch! Be gentle with my hair", I hissed when a tangle got stuck in the brush and she pulled it.

"I apologise, your highness, it won't happen again."

"Are we done yet?" I asked after sitting there for what seemed like so long that my back was beginning to hurt.

"Yes, ma'am, we are almost done," the maid replied in a chirpy voice , stepping in front of me and assessing her work.

"Okay! Let's do a once over then. Shall we?" the Grand maid asked.

"Of course, ma'am", the other maids replied.

"Hair style?"










"Your highness, the King has arrived in the palace," one of the maids interrupted by opening the massive doors abruptly and briskly walking into my bed chambers while controlling her breathing.

"Father? Really?" I astoundingly asked the maid. Without thinking about anything else or asking asking the maid any question, I lifted my gown and ran out of my bed chambers as fast as my small feet could take me, my pencil heels making harsh click clack sounds against the shiny marble floor of the palace and echoing against the walls which could be easily heard from afar. I mentally scolded myself for wearing such high heels when it was only a normal day in which I would be drowning myself in heap of books in the library.

"Your highness, wait, you cannot run in the hallways like that. Please, your highness, stop. If someone sees you like this, it will tarnish your reputation. This is unacceptable," my maid cried out on top of her poor lungs while chasing after me.

I don't pay head to her words and just run  to my destination. I don't care if I'm following the rules or not. It's not like I get to break them often. And I don't blame anyone for having such a life. I love my life as it is. I love being part of a royal family. Yes, I'm a Princess, Princess Rose of Highland. Well, for many people, being a princess is great and let me assure you that it is great but when you have to follow tons and tons of rules all day and every day, the idea of living as a princess becomes a deal breaker. So once in a while, I give myself the honor of breaking some teeny tiny rules of being a princess.
And yes, I do get earful because of that from many but I couldn't let that stop me from enjoying my life whenever I could.

As soon as I reached near the huge gates of the big hall, I stopped in my tracks. I took a deep breath to steady my breathing and look natural and straightened my hair and gown to get rid of any tangle and crease. A big smile made its way on my face immediately when I thought of meeting my father after so many days.
He was like my friend more than father and I love spending every moment with him. He recently went to another Kingdom to have them pledge their loyalty to our Kingdom. Looks like they did pledge their loyalty seeing how long father stayed in their kingdom.

I nod at the guards in a ladylike manner to open the gates, who were standing besides the door looking straight ahead of them, probably wondering how I changed from a wild running immature girl to a mature mannered princess.

Yes, I have this knack of surprising people. When they opened the doors, my wide smile faltered a bit from the corners of my mouth to see the unexpected guests standing in the middle of the Hall along with my parents, talking and laughing with each other while sipping their tea gracefully. The violin was softly playing in the background and the Hall was filled with servant placing food or rather a feast they prepared. It looked like a perfect view to paint. I was brought out of my thoughts when suddenly everyone turned towards the source of disturbance, in short me.

Well, I didn't know someone was coming today.


Hello to all of you amazing readers!

I know the first chapter is a bit short but I assure you the rest are lengthy in comparison. Feel free to spot any mistake and let me know in the comment section.

If you like this chapter then do vote for it. I'll appreciate that a lot. Hope you enjoy reading it and have a wonderful day♥

Thanks in advance.


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