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"Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud."


My father clinks his glass with a fork and clears his throat to speak first.

"Tonight we have gathered here to celebrate something that my friend, Robert, and I have been deciding to do for sometime now."

"It's an honor to for us to join the two biggest Kingdoms, Goldstone and Highland, by letting our heirs marry." King Robert say.

I get shocked at the news. Is Anne marrying Charles? This is so absurd. How can he marry her when he already has a fiance. And same goes for John. Is there another sibling of mine I am not aware of or something?
I look at my brothers and they are frowning. Why are they frowning?

My father continues, "We have decided that Prince Ramsey will be marring my dear daughter, Princess Rose," he finishes he sentence motioning in my direction. I look behind me but there is no Rose behind me. Wait! I am Rose. My eyes widen when the information sinks in. I am getting married to whom? Prince Ramsey?

Everyone bursts into cheers. Music begins playing once again but this time more joyfully than before.

At that moment everything began to make sense. Everyone was happy at the news. Only I was stunned with fright. All the blood from my face vanished in an instance letting my face pale. My eyes moisten and my senses become numb. Someone shook me with force and snapped me out from my numbness. I look at my brothers. They look at me worriedly.

"Are you okay, Rose?" John inquires, concern lacing in his voice.

"Don't worry, Rose I will personally talk to father about this matter. Nothing will happen against your will", Charles assures me and hugs me to comfort me.

My mother comes and embraces me happily. She congratulates me but I'm too numbed to reply her. She breaks the embrace to look at me when she realises I'm not saying or doing anything.

"Dear, what happened? You feeling okay?" she asks with concern.

"Mother tell me this is not true. Father is just joking right? Please tell me this is not real", I plead her, holding her hands firmly in mine.

"What is wrong with your, Rose. Why would your father lie about your marriage. And besides, Ramsey is such an amazing guy and I'm sure he will treat you well," she says as a matter of factly.

I scoff, "Treat me well? Who are you saying will treat me well? That rude selfish Prince named Ramsey? He's the rudest man I've ever encountered and I'm never in my lifetime marrying a guy like him", I spit in rage.

"Rose, you better behave. People will spread rumors. We will talk about this once we're back home", she says sternly before leaving me in my misery.

I clench my teeth and make a fist so hard. I just want to punch someone. And I know exactly who that someone is.

My eyes wonder around the hall and I finally spot him leaning against a table, teacup in hand. I make my way towards him. He looks up and sees me approaching him. He lifts his eyebrow. Oh you're so dead. Before I can do something,  my brothers come and drag me away from him. I try my best to get out of their grip but I can't even move considering I was being dragged by two huge guys who work out whenever they get the chance to.They take me to a balcony, which is the only empty place in this hotel so far. I finally get out of their death grips and go near the rail and grasp it tightly and breath harshly. My head is boiling at this point. Traitors! How could they all do this to me.



Hey lovelies!

So, who is shocked as me at the news? Did you expect it to happen this quick? Because I certainly didn't.

Leave your thoughts in the comments. I would love to read them all.

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YOUR HIGHNESSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें