The coronation chapter 14

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(Zane's P.O.V)

The next day I woke up and went to find my aunt and uncle I found them talking in the ball room I walked in and they stopped talking. I was confused I asked them what they were talking about and they didn't respond I asked again. Marinette walked in and came over to us and my aunt started talking she said we don't think we should let Marinette be crowned princess. With your father on the lose Zane you could get hurt even more. Marinette agreed with them I looked at them and said guys I know what I signed up for I would do anything to protect the ones I love. I understand why your scared you think I'm going to go to far and kill my father for hurting me. My uncle looked upset and said yes Zane that is the main reason we to hold off on the coronation. Don't call it off please today is the day Marinette has been waiting for her whole life but I don't think my father is the killer. They gave me a confused look I think it might be hawkmoth because their was an akuma yesterday that I fought and once I was done and detransformed and the smoke cleared he was gone. Marinette said yes their was an akuma but it wasn't after me it was after mom and dad. So my father wants Marinette dead I looked at my aunt and uncle and said please I'm the only one that can stop my father. The police tired to stop him once but they failed and my father nearly killed one of the officers. They then said alright Zane the coronation will continue as planned but were giving you another sword to defend your self and others. They handed me another sword and I took it.

(Time skip)

People were in the ball room and Marinette was down their dancing with Adrien I saw Rylie and Gillian talking to each other Gillian then pointed at me and they both waved. I smiled at them and waved back Rylie looked amazing she had a very pretty dress on it was some bright brown. My uncle finally said would the princess please come up she did as she was told and stood next to me. He said today is a very special day for Marinette she will be crowned princess of China he handed the mike to someone and he said Marinette please stand in front of me. She did as she was told and he said do you Marinette take this crown to be the protector of this land. She said I do well Marinette I know pronounce you princess of China. Everyone clapped and cheered I smiled Marinette walked back and the guy said Zane come here. I stood in front of him and he said Zane in time of need you would stand up and protect Marinette. Yes I replied you would sacrifice your life to save hers he said I would do more then die to protect my cousin. Well Zane you are now officially Marinettes protector. People started to clap and cheer again.

Marinette walked down the stairs along with my aunt and uncle they were all having a fun time dancing but I stayed on the stairs I did not move. I then saw my father and said everyone get back nobody listened so I grabbed the mike and said everyone their is a killer in here get back. Everyone but my father stood against the walls I walked down the stairs and stared him right in the eyes and said hello father you come to finish the job of hurting me even more. 

He laughed and said no Zane I'm here to kill Marinette and her parents I grabbed both of my swords stood in a fighting position and said I will never let you hurt anyone ever again. He grabbed his swords and charged me I was quick and led him up the stairs. Once I was high enough I held one of his attacks and kicked him in the stomach. He fell and went down a few steps he got up and I ran down he got close and tried to punch and kick me. We were back to the swords and every attack he used I blocked I was going with the plan to wear him down. But he wasn't getting tired and I was. We had been fighting for 30 minutes and nobody tried to help because of fear my father would hurt them. I charged him and he kicked me leg and I fell on my back and he attacked me he cut me on my arms in my chest my legs and my shirt totally destroyed. I stood up I was bleeding but I still kept fighting I had to stop him no matter what happened to me. He finally made a wrong move that got me close enough to kick him and punch him to knock him out. Every body cheered that I won I dropped to my knees breathing heavily Rylie, Gillian, Marinette, and Adrien ran over to me. I then collapsed do to the loss of blood.

(Rylies P.O.V) 

I ran over to Zane he was losing blood fast he then passed out do to loss of blood Paramedics came rushing in to help Zane. The police took his father away Zane stopped his father he was taken to the hospital. My class and his class along with his family stood in the hospital every body was quite. A doctor talked to Zane's aunt and uncle they looked at the classes and said Zane will and every body started crying but Zane's uncle said he will survive.

(Thank you all so much for reading this chapter of Miraculous Princess of China and the Wolf Miraculous and remember stay positive and don't get akumitized)  

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